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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. i heard it was a tad small but im coming anyways :- Cya tomorrow :)
  2. hes right really nadine haha weve even got a great demo going on tomorrow. Should be fun (look in trials chat for info) His demo should be in millenuim square in leeds and we can have a big leeds ride after :o
  3. glad it is :)" But doesnt kirchoffs law just state that if you have a 10v supply or something and have say one resistor the voltage drop across that resistor must be 10 v???? I dont see how that can help us if we dont have the Voltage to begging with
  4. I cant see how those thoreys can help us get the answer, MUST REVISE MY ASS OFF!
  5. I cant work it out, im so going to pass my exams :) Im thinking I has to be 2A just like the other one too which would then make V = 48 because the total R = 24 But theres a part of me thinks I is differnt to the other one I really should know this :)
  6. Im interested but i dont think ill have any transport How long/far is it from wakey train station?
  7. yer thanks for asking nick <_< *poke* Yer me and rich are coming i think if the weathers nice and sunny
  8. Im up for leeds, theres usually a fair amount of leeds riders out on a sunday but ill ride most places <_<
  9. No i meant like every other girl in hudds besides you and ashlee gives hudds a bad name My heads huge though so if i could anyone could :)
  10. My friend rich on the white t-pro, shame really :huh:
  11. 3 snapped maggie hoses in all today 2 puntures from me, damm boucy dragg free pimp MEGA PUNTURE EVERY RIDE montys :huh: Cant think of owt else
  12. Pusssy!!! been out riding since 11 and had to fix 2 puntures sooooooooo tired. And erm....... it was windy all f**king day :huh: Great ride though
  13. I dont really like it lots but ill probably watch someone of it. Nothing to run home to though. Its probably one of the better reality tv shows, all the rest just do my head in :turned:
  14. CalopS

    My First Tattoo

    IF your happy with it then who cares what anyone else thinks :turned: My views on tattos are that im never gonna get one unless it means something to me, otherwises its pointless because you might get bored after a while but then your stuck with it. Thats why i love piercings, you could have all of them, and take them all out and be healed up in a week or so (depending on the piercing) I dont think ill get one, ive never seen anything ive wanted printed on my body for life
  15. Ill be there (Y) set a date please...........................
  16. CalopS

    Crazy Frog

    Only one thing for it then kill them befor it kills you :angry: Yer it is really quite annoying
  17. ill be there at 11 if its still on but tim is deffinatly right about leeds been busy as f**k on saterdays. Id prefer it to be on the sunday but that might not suite everyones plans ?????
  18. Looks pritty damm boring now :( Looks better in blue
  19. Ill be there on the 28th (Y) A mod should change the topic title if no one is going to go on the 21st?>
  20. I wrecked my wrists the first day i got my t-pro after having a base ta20 and was off riding for 4 months because the doctor said they would never be the same again then i went to a chiropractor and he fixed them in 3 weeks :P On friday i did a 10 foot drop almost to flat and hurt my wrist again but it soon was fine so i did it again and just landed a bit sideways but when i got home my neck was aching so bad. It only just stopped today :- But thats ok cos my wheel was ruined so its at airevally at the mo, looking forward to getting back on the bike at the weekend :P *crosses fingers* p.s. don't try 10 foot drops when your wheels already wobbly and the roof of what your dropping off it bouncy and ripply on top :D" dumbass ^_^
  21. CalopS

    Bt Video 2

    My surnames "hopps" though and i cant go that big ^_^ Really awsome vid, one of the best ive seen in a while. You should just make a full natural vid. The replace and the hooks on them logs were so stylish :P
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