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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. CalopS

    Emo Farm

    Scared the blast will mess there hair up :turned:
  2. Id of bought some if they had my size though the sign said 5-10 i think but then kev said he tried a 12 on :turned:
  3. CalopS

    Worlds Photos!

    My dad doesnt really know much about trials. I told him who benito was but even i didnt see vincent all day somehow :turned: but thats ok cos i rode with him at the glen on friday hehe I went on a bike ride along the "tarker trail" but hired out a proper bike while i was there. Saw two mod riders on Base TA20 (blue versions) when i got barnstable i think but didnt go say hi or owt. Looks like a nice place to ride but i had no1 to ride with :D Sure my holiday this year will involve more riding........ ROADTRIP!!!
  4. CalopS

    Worlds Photos!

    These were all taken by my dad...enjoy :) http://public.fotki.com/brianh/sports/bike...5/145_4510.html
  5. CalopS

    20" Vinco!

    That bikes so nice, shame i didnt spot it today :)
  6. Its much better today (N) just been fixing my bike today, got all my new bits and bobs but i cant get a bolt out of the old bash to fit the new one on so i shall be going on monday to airevally to get it fixed (drilled out probably) oh and a few hunderad punture repair kits (N)"
  7. Man i really sprained my ancle at the glen today :- Hope its better for when we go
  8. CalopS


    We shouldnt have to put up with everyone elses bad habbit :rolleyes:
  9. Any of you hull lot got my number in case you get moved on befor anyone gets there? i dont think many people will be there befor 11 Ill try get the 10:35 train in to get there for 10:55 :angry: Cya all there
  10. CalopS


    Yer i once had one and 3 of my m8s parents commented on how nice they smelt when they got home not knowing what they had been getting up to. Never smoked or tried weed, hardally see the point. Just wastes money. I know people use it to destress you but musics better for de-stressing you i find Im more atticted to sweets and icecream to be honest, guess you could argue that was just as bad because it makes you fat but least it doesnt make you smell or make you unhealthy
  11. CalopS


    Really cold but not so anything is slippy or your breaks freeze and pritty bone dry
  12. Its cos hes at work, really looking forward to this ride. Dont feel like ive riden leeds in ages
  13. Dont really like eating chocolate lots Love kitkat chunkys and smarties though Sweets and icecream for me (Y)
  14. Mostly working or riding i guess........ Ill be there, im sure all the usual leeds lot will be too
  15. Its so people who dont care can make themselfs feel a bit better by showing everyone else they can put a 3 in front of there name which must mean they care right :S
  16. CalopS

    My New Vid

    It doesnt unless you want to watch a vid of someone and enjoy it
  17. CalopS

    My New Vid

    Great riding, youve improved loads since i last rode with you (Y) Vid didnt really interest me though, the quality was poor and it wasnt well made
  18. CalopS

    Rear Hubs

    If your rich then might as well get a king but a profile will deffinatly do
  19. Would be zoo as everyone says there amazing but they wear down too fast but if u had a lifetime supply that wouldnt be a problem anymore
  20. naaah its still pritty desturbing
  21. Mostly go to bed at like 2 and have to get up at 7-8 unless its a none school/work/something else day which meansd i sleep in till at least 2pm >_< EDIT : Over the xmas period i went a week where i could only sleep at about 6am and got up at 5 It varies, but genrally never go to bed befor 1, cant do it even if i try Lastest ive woken up is about 5pm
  22. Only watched about 1 hour maybe, science is the only one who amuses me, is he even in anymore? >_<
  23. CalopS


    Genrally people say emo girls look like emo guys Yes that is the same thing but still, its because guys typically have short hair and all emo girls have there hair short, so from long distances away you can easily get mixed up Thats the same with guys with long hair though and getting them mixed up with girls who typically have long hair
  24. CalopS


    Looks awfull, i love a girl to smile not look misrable
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