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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. It might be because its 2:22 in the mouring but theres no such thing as a disk only hub is there?
  2. Great piccys of stan there :) Shame it wasnt a little brighter though
  3. Awsome vid there cap, some huge lines :)
  4. thats the risk you gotta take for greatness though but yes very huge and dangerous :ermm: Ive hurt myself more on little things through so i think it doesnt really matter what youre doing
  5. I think ill come out and see everyone just film and photo cos my wrists still f**kerd ill bring rich too
  6. Placebo - Black Eyed ill agree with monkey, DEATH to mcfly (Y) Now . . . The Blood Brothers - Trash Flavored Trash
  7. I think the new kabba frame is just a koxx level boss selling for 250? Cheak on the www.cleanbikes.co.uk
  8. nope in that you are correct but i really dont care about battery power, id rather loose out on that than have to listen to it lower so it doesnt sound as good
  9. Or you can take better appriciation of the music when its louder. Thats my reason for having it louder anyways
  10. Ill be agreing with luke here I found it hard not to just turn it off half way through because i bored
  11. think theres more chance of you been un-validated really
  12. CalopS


    I think i sold mine on ebay for 60 pounds with some controlers and games maybe 2 years back now (Y)
  13. CalopS


    yer N64 golden eye...........hads more fun than it than say halo for the xbox Im not really into games anymore but i think old games are better cos its more about the game play instead of the graphics you know what i mean (Y)
  14. Cant lots of lyrics be rubbish though unless you can relate to them? if you cant then its just someone babbling about something you dont understand right
  15. I wouldnt bother, everyone seems to be having problems with them wait for the zona or ben slinger frame
  16. profiles just more stiff i think ive had both but i just trust my profile more and im glad i got it mine was second hand from bongo and i dont know how long he had it for but it hasnt skiped once where my eno did sometimes profile (Y)
  17. CalopS

    Random Video

    random as f**k :D amusing :huh: but it is 2:12 in the mouring LEEEDS FEEEEST!!!! *too excited to sleep*
  18. CalopS

    My Sidehop ;-)

    half the trials community cant sidehop that height even on a trials bike :blink:
  19. :) really hope hes ok get well soon kev :ermm:
  20. YOUR TOO DAMM GOOD!!! (Y) i like you more on a 20" i think, more flicky and crazy and :P but im a 20" rider so thats just me been biased crazy i cant stop watching think its my fav vid ever but that might just be me been so hyped from your crazy riding hehe hope your wrists gets better soon dude, im suffering with mine at the moment (Y) Make more 20" vid please :angry:
  21. CalopS


    awsome vid, ive been waiting for this for ages (Y)
  22. CalopS


    naaah its on next wednessday...........i felt like i needed to be weirded out more, im in a poop mood though so maybe i just didnt spot the weird parts
  23. CalopS


    theres no "getting" in it, its just shit totally all these reality tv shows, big profit - little effort id rather be out riding in the rain than inside watching shit on tv back to the show I watched it because i heard good things, i was impressed with 1.2 but 3 was a bit boring........ill watch 4 though and see :P
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