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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. CalopS


    Yer i didnt like it. I couldnt see what the big fuss was about (Y) sticking with WE
  2. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-tria...vid20.08.05.wmv Theres a vid i made, its half finnished, and wont be finnish so i guess that counts as a pointless video comments welcome :ermm:
  3. CalopS


    Just ignore them.........your not supposed to have them working at morrisons but my mate does and hes tattoed and pierced the hell up (Y)
  4. obveosly or you wouldnt have picked it :P you need less footage time of set up for lines when the musics that fast.........like in tunnis vid most of the clips when you go to the clip hes just about to burst into the line so it keeps with the speed of the song I love the song, like i love the other 2 songs from your last vids. They just dont go with you riding guess if you happy with it though.........carry on that gap in leeds is a beast by the way :P
  5. Ill agree with fatmike here, ive got mine sat right infront of me and i love it I need the money for other thing but i just cant sell it. Its so good to use ^_^ totally worth the money, couldnt ask for anymore in the camera i dont think.
  6. Your ridings getting huge burton! but your vids still arnt great. The music you pick for them is too fast to go with you riding, it just doesnt mix well. The effect you use at the start is awful and pritty pointless really. Looking forward to seeing what you have for use next though ^_^
  7. CalopS


    No he will be a wrinkle faced scary old man...........so tattoos hardily matter Think long and hard about it before you get anything done :$
  8. yep reminds me that...... my friend justine got chased home and rocks thrown at her a few days ago Some else i know got some glass thrown at them too ......... forgot cos things like this dont suprize me no more as it happens so much
  9. Sorry to hear it dude :P too much crap goes on nowadays, there was something on the news yesterday about happy slapping and my sister started laughing cos shes seen one on someones phone and found it amusing B) Things are just getting worse! move to the nearist snowy hill as soon as posible!
  10. It was a maggie with zoo pads (maybe a tiny bit of tar) and now a magura louise i think (cant remember why he changed though) he said there wasnt much difference in power though
  11. Dont smoke never will Tired of having to walk faster cos some smokers ahead of me and its entoxicating the air i brethe Right pisses me off (N) should be banned, why should us none smokers have to suffer but besides that i dont care who does it, as long as its not around people that dont want be around it CarlsBorg
  12. MASSSIVE!!! really like the vid :P Lovin your wooden gates arnt you hehe That gap from piller thing in hudds is sweet, should try do post to post next time (Y) Nice one Royal post box warmer :P
  13. CalopS

    New Video Of Me :d

    Awsome vid cap, getting better all the time :P
  14. Pritty awsome riding but the music didnt appeal to me, seeing timmy with his nips out again made it all the more better though :P
  15. thats a pritty poor map to be honest.............i cant follow it and i walk down those roads everyday :- have fun kiddos, bring your unbrellas (Y)
  16. Dunno im just drunkard, so its probably best just ignore what i said (Y)
  17. Im hardcore co i got punched in the eye and didnt fight back (Y) thats some hardcore intelligence for you there kiddos what a fool that fanny was................so many c**ts, like some of you hate mr monkey but i reckon hes probably a really cool guy compared to the shit scum around nowadays (sorry for bringing you into this convo monkey) im just right peed off, will get the hate out on the drums tomorrow muhahahaha
  18. 1) go out exit by burger king 2) turn left and walk down the path 3 the granite walls are across the road on the left its hard to miss really :P If the waethers good i may pop down with camera in hand...........maybe not even my bike (Y) CarlsBorg.................and if anyone just cant make a line ask anyone from road trip how to do a carl GRRRRRRR or watch the roadtrip vid befor you set off
  19. Nice boys - GnR's :P tell us how it goes whatever you play/d :P
  20. Take a friend then? I know tom from wakeys going and 2 ladys from my workplace doesnt really suit my ears too though, maybe killswitch but thats it
  21. Im in a band (N) well kinda, im still learning to drum better but were covering such songs as GnR's - Nice Boys MSI - Tight Nirvana - Heart shaped box and yer maybe some inme songs (Y) The drummings well hard though, simons an amazing drummer INME!!! muhahaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Its more pulling up or pushing up/foward that hurt them...............not from drops so suspension whouldnt help much Ill have to go see a specialist or something They feel fine right now but if i get on a bike they dont feel so great
  22. pfft you got all the answers dont you Just trying to be helpfull cos i wanna come i just cant I feel like selling up to buy drum stuff :$
  23. Probably not the best idea if youve never been to leeds but parking in the play house which is a main riding spot has free parking on sundays i belive Some old lady asked me to stay with her bags so trying to uphold a good young persons image for the dieing breed of people i agreed and she went to get coffe and a train conductor brought her back to me just befor the train left because she had waddled off to a differnt platform and got lost :$
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