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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. CalopS


    From the album: General

  2. CalopS


    Real men would slice there arms off and get mechanical ones! Might try get bk into it sometime next year anyways bk to that bike..................... Looks great rich, i know i cant wait to give it a go
  3. CalopS


    i wanna get bk in Ill be on that big xmas ride........with my bmx..........probably ride other peoples bikes.......then complaining about my wrists hurting.............then going home...........
  4. What about there personailty? unless your just looking for sex.... then who cares, pick whoevers most willing and less likely to get hurt and curse about you to all her friends
  5. Download the 2 Orgy albums off there if you want something basey metal electro stuff
  6. Yer your right i forgot about "give it a name" i belive thats much worse music wise, can anyone remind me of this years lineup? Did they have the GHD van like they do at leeds fest? haha hair wash, dry and straiten for £15 *commenses mud throwing* but yer have fun everyone who going Unholy alliance tour is more my thing but i couldnt make it this year Slayer Lamb of God Children of Bodom Mastodon oooooooo yer
  7. the place will be full of emos so pritty much everyones gonna look like a dick *taste of scene* shouldnt care what teeshirt you wear as long as your wearing it because you want to and not just because their the "in" band
  8. Im not a fan really......
  9. CalopS


    From the album: General

    madona piercing
  10. Looks really good. one of my fav piercings on the ladys I had mine in for 2 weeks but it just pissed me off too much with kissing and eating then it came out twice at leeds fest so i just ended up getting rid of it Still got my side lip and tougne in though Kinda want my tougne again and my nips too
  11. Shel get over it My mum almost left home when i got my tougne pierced
  12. did you see them at leeds or reading? i wasnt that impressed with them at leeds fest really. I enjoyed mastodon more. I wouldnt mind seeing again though on there tour in jan i liked the old singer more
  13. Really dude listen to some real music even if it has to be emo try "from first to last"
  14. Nice vid thanks for keeping me entertained at 3:50 in the mourning
  15. CalopS

    Shiney wheel

    From the album: General

  16. CalopS

    bmx leaver

    From the album: General

  17. CalopS

    Full bike

    From the album: General

    FOR SALE!!!
  18. CalopS

    Tf Cribs

    f**k yer I need more symbols
  19. If im in town i might come find you to catch up after jamming with the band
  20. CalopS

    Tf Cribs

    Its just like there do you not use them like me?
  21. CalopS

    Tf Cribs

    These piccys are pritty rubbish Shame looks like a nice kit.................*SWIPE*
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