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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. CalopS


    From the album: General

  2. Looks nice but the steerer tube needs cutting down. That many spacers looks gash!
  3. Ive just got back into trials so i probably dont have anything to offer you
  4. Hey guys. Ive just got hold of a pair of these echo forged cranks second hand and Ive put the freewheel on but theres still a gap inbetween them. I went to investigate on tarty bikes and there is supposed to be a spacer provided but i didn't get one with mine second hand. Do i really need it? If the guy i bought it off doesn't have the spacer anymore what could i use instead to bodge it? not a new bash ring, just cant afford it right now! thanks, Carl
  5. lots of rain = flooding = skim boarding
  6. really good piece of drumming there! Have you cheaked out the rest of his videos too? The simpson ones great!
  7. DOWNLOAD!!!! in like 46 hours haha then leeds festival
  8. I havent riden for a good 1-2 years probably, but i still like reading some of the topics and download the videos on the forum. Id like to get back into it at some point, its just about when i can afford it!
  9. CalopS

    Give It A Name.

    What was MSI's set like?
  10. It makes me want to start riding again everyday when the chances that my wrists will f**k up again are pritty high(ish)............*might be buying a second hand monty very soon*
  11. LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS!!!! Got my tickets! pritty happy with the first announcement
  12. I had a dream last night i was the drummer for nightwish at download festival because there drummer was late haha then he ran onstage on the last song and demanded his kit back
  13. e4 emailed all the people showing there episodes on youtube so im a bit f**ked now ive missed tonights and last weeks episodes anyone know where i can get them?>
  14. CalopS

    Damnation 9

    great vid mike *still missing trials*
  15. urm 2 i think plus a load of beer on tuesday night good pancahol
  16. just find them on youtube if you mean like what youve missed serch for: skins episode 1 part 1 skins episode 1 part 2 and so on havent had any luck finding 4 on the net yet
  17. its not like lost where theres a bazillion characters i wouldnt say its really good, just something funny to pass the time. ive watched episodes 1-3 on youtube, anyone know how many have been shown or how i can get them? thanks
  18. CalopS


    pritty funny, and disturbing sometimes probably should have gone in "best of the internet" though
  19. wat you gotta watch out for though is though emo/chav mixes there just f**ked up!
  20. just having a lady friend round to watch a few films and get wasted should be good
  21. I think its a great idea just for people that find vids on youtube/google that they really like but most likely have probably already been seen by most people. as for peoples new vids, should have a new topic but have both youtube links and downloadable one to satisfy everyone
  22. one of them was doing backflips on richard and judy today I found the programme about the blind boy more interesting though so mostly watched that
  23. i dunno i dont really care for lyrics, maybe im missing out on a big part of it by not caring about them but its only 1 part of the songs/band. you can hardally say they were there "biggest pile of wank in music history" just take a listen to most bands in the charts nowadays
  24. crossing my fingers for download or leeds festival this is about the only thing that would force me to get a job so i can afford the festivals or the gig aaaah i wanna play killing of the name of now with my band
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