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Everything posted by Apocalypse_reaper666

  1. it rides perfect for me! and its pretty light and its a really good frame for £180
  2. My parents are supportive they let me use there credit card to order parts that i pay for and when i firts started building me bike and i only had the frame they thought it was a waste of money and moaned about it but now its built they love the look of it and like the bike and will be intersted when i talk about it. but thery keep reminding me of my blood condition which is fairly annoying!
  3. my friend had a big ass tramperline and he was enjoying it that much he didnt notice he was heading towards his garage and landed on the garage roof!
  4. i have a saracen blitz 05 frame with hope xc hubs and d521s and hope trials disk and i jump a big jumpbox and the skatepark near me and i used to get people saying that it will brake and just get photos and prove it!! i now ride a sexi black anf green base ta26 cheak it out on my post in the forum! just ride it good! prove em wrong!
  5. also drilled rims are wider! which as others have said are better to keep balance when on your back wheel! i have a 46mm wide hex drilled rim on the rear and a 39mm hex drilled rim on the front and its alot more stable! echo and V!Z rims are the best to my standards. there maybe better but echo and viz rims are all that i have rode on.
  6. unless hes swapped them round like i have! i ride a 26inch and i have a front freewheel and a fixed rear hub! its pretty weird but its alot better! cheaper to fix if anything goes wrong aswell!
  7. my girlfriend thinks that trials is taking over my life and there V!Z forks there the only forks that will fit my maggies and my front wheel on! there £90.
  8. if u really wanted too Thattl be £1040 please! joke i never want to sell it! there will only be one made like that, unless you copy so you want a base? or just want to build your own trials bike?
  9. I had to wait 5months while i saved and built my bike!it was sooo tempting to chuck some random parts on and ride it! but i didnt
  10. USE HAIRSPRAY ON YOUR RIM! LEAVE IT TO DRY FOR 5MIN AND UR BRAKES ARE PERFECT! (didnt notice i had allreay replyed )
  11. you could just go on chainreactioncycles.com and buy a new leaver. ive been running the GREEN hs33s for a couple of weeks now and mine rock! also does anyone knoe if you can get replacement green parts for the hs33s like mine? just in case i damage them.
  12. i have the old evo mounts on the front but the old evo mounts wont fit onto the rear because of the wheel being so wide. and ive never seen someone with an entire wall in there back i do get what you mean though! im going to order a viz cnc stem soon!
  13. Thanks mate! yes! that is true! i have to have them at that angle otherwise my wheel wouldnt move. plus i dont need to frind my rims my bakes are perfect and if they lose power u just spray hairspray on the rims or monty spray and there perfect again! or i will get plasmatic pads (in green )
  14. Yep! the colour rocks! Been riding on it today and its lovely on the back wheel!
  15. or just do it for £10 buy a hope single speed spaceer kit and take a casset apart and use 1 of the cogs preferably 14tooth or 15tooth thats if you have a 18tooth on the front like me.
  16. use a hair dryer to expand the rubber then damp the bars and push on then put the hairdryer on cold and the grips shrink on! the put a zip-tie on either end and bobs your uncle non moverble grips! or get dmr zip-grips! red,green,blue,light blue, erm cant remember any other colours erm there on tartybikes.co.uk!
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