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About Andrex

  • Birthday 10/30/1990

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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  • Real Name
    Andrew Johnson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Yaabaa 1499
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Andrex's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Was it worth the 6 year wait for it to get faxed over from space or where ever these are from? Have you even ridden trials since last summer? Looks cool though init.
  2. You seem to get different frames/bikes all the time but they all look the same lol. I think I need to learn how to ride again
  3. I'll be there to watch until Joel comes out
  4. Go simps!!! How come the change from 24"? Bikes are looking good! Car is looking good! Your looking good I miss you, I havent seen you sober since you've been uni.
  5. is cutting up small children in the basement

    1. Guest


      hey andrex how can i get a picture in here !

  6. Yeah man, I miss riding with you I still don't get how you can throw your bike around so much. Makes me want to start riding again properly. Ride soon x
  7. I'll still be there on the Saturday if anyone else is around? Depend what state I'm in on Sunday morning I may go then to.
  8. Yeah of course it is. I miss the monday mayhem I didn't even know you were coming back lol. But of course! Get bird man out to, go as a little crew representing!!
  9. f**k the beer. I'm all for some spirits and shit . I might come. Plus any of the "older lot" going mayhem or anything in the evening? lol
  10. Hey all, I haven't ridden my bike in a few months now. I am now feeling an urge to go ride somewhere. I thought London so more people would come out, I know its probably been ridden to death but ah well. It'll be nice to see some familiar faces out. So far its me and Matt Bird. We reckon 11am at slope walls. Then see where they day takes us. Hope to see some people Andy
  11. I was told to try used teabags and rest it on your eyes for a few minutes. It actually felt quite nice, it did kinda soothe the pain slightly.
  12. I had the same problem, so I just used an angle grinder on it.... simple and fast
  13. I feel your pain, the trains services are just useless around here.
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