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Karl Butcher

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Everything posted by Karl Butcher

  1. Look awesome man! liking the white! wouldnt mind getting one myself! there so nice to ride street! very flicky!
  2. Me and Kev might be there! i fixed my hub!
  3. Good old sunny hunny!! nice video that man! it was good seeing you sunday! shame about the blue!
  4. there not bad i guess! when you getting it up and running?! your a member and you keep posting things in NMC!!
  5. to be honest its just getting stupid now! *my bike weighs this much* i dont care how heavy my bike is or what it looks like! aslong as im out with my mates ripping it up and having a laugh thats all that matters!
  6. oh my god!! everyones to worried how much there bike weighs!! it should be like the goodl old days!! when no one cared what bike they had, how it looks or how much it weighs!! just get on your bikes and ride the sh**t out off them and have fun!
  7. If you go down one on the rear it might help! i run 18-14 it feels really nice!
  8. Thanks! im not to keen on them though! *sighs* haha everyone said how long will it take you to snap somthing on your bike/bike Well when ever you wanna ride Peterborough let me know!
  9. Dude whats that about?! as Matthew62 said its all about opinions! it dosnt matter what people say aslong as Paul likes it! so stop moaning!!
  10. I found the reason why it was skipping! one of the springs snapped! so i orderd a new one so i be up and riding again soon! Thanks for all the help guys!
  11. Cool im goin to take it apart today and try and fix it i hope!! if no i will give you a buzz then you can give me a hand! yeah the ride was good! just uploaded some photos on the forum!
  12. Here you go guys! took some snap shots today not all that good! thanks to all the guys who coming down! shame about the weather and Bessells finger! hope to see some of you again soon! That old man thought he was the Queen! Callums fake sidehop
  13. Thanks! hope it does the job! nice riding with you! shame i couldnt do much cos of my hub! *sighs*
  14. You will soon! there big files thats why it takes ages!!
  15. theres nothing wrong with the camera thats how is bike was! i will upload my photos soon!
  16. does your head in dont it!? yeah im goin to strip it 2mo somtime see whats up with it!
  17. ohh are they easy to fit?
  18. Well what could make it skip? my mate said it might need cleaning out!
  19. Karl Butcher

    Pro 2

    My hope pro 2 is skipping like mad now! is it easy to sort out? i tryed looking on Wiki and on Search but couldnt see anything about sorting it out! if you could help it be great!
  20. Tell him to take the Giant stickers off!! it looks gash!!
  21. Hmmm not that much really! if your into your big stuff then Peterboorugh isnt the place to ride! lol but im sure you could find something! my number is up there somewhere so if you get lost or somthing just drop us a txt! or add me to msn! think you have tp pay at the trian station! but you could park at Toys R Us its free or you could park at mine then ride into town! its up to you!
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