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Lee Cable

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Everything posted by Lee Cable

  1. I was nearly 12, got bombarded by tiles of a roof, missed me by centimetres
  2. Righteo, im in need of some help, basically my photo shopping and editing skills suck. Please could someone help me. right. I need...... This photoshopped onto where the text is, on...this please make it look semi decent thanks in advanced Person who does it the best, ill post a mars bar to
  3. Lee Cable


    Yet we still suck. We think we sussed why the aussies are good at swimming atlast. There built like shit houses. Ian Thorpe...- aussie swimmer steve parry our swimmer... Thorpe is massive, When he stands next to other male swimmers he huge. Yet our swimmers are tought to keep there muscle down. My friend is a national swimmer. So dont argue with that..
  4. Erm a couple of months? and like a 100 posts. My tended to be more regarding on how to fix things on my bike, as i only started trials when I joined the forum.
  5. Welcome, and continue posting like that, and you will be a full member in no time at all..
  6. Right, IMO Avid ultimate lever Avid ultimate caliper Odessey linear cable Coust pads on a harsh grind Brake will work sound in the wet and dry, that rear btw, front just run a Avid BB7 with a XTR lever linear cable.
  7. I have no idea, my nans did the same thing, I replaced power supply, and it still did it, so i replaced MOBO and it hasnt done it since.
  8. MOBO replace it and it'll stop
  9. Lee Cable


    Ooo i have talked alot about cold fusion with this clever kid in my chemistry class. Isn't that where you get something so cold that 2 atoms will fuse together? thus creating silly amounts of clean energy? But wouldnt it need like stupid amounts of pressure?? that isnt actually possible on earth?? meh i dunno
  10. Right, about your public services thing. Im in the SCC, and i am being given the opportunity to get a btec in public services with cadets? If your in a cadet force, ask about that. Careerwize. Model, go for it. Get some pictures taken, send them off to some places. See what they have to say. If you get any critisizm, take it on board and try and make it. Lifeguarding, surely you can get a job in a pool? Im sure that will cater all year round? I am also currently in a dilema, Im 17, i should be on my last year of A levels, but as i had to retake english, i have only just started my AS levels. Im sick of school and find it positively horrible. Im going to see about joining the marines, but they may tell me that if i stayed on another year, got alevels, that i would be able to go in as an officer, and get payed more. But if i do this, i might aswell goto university as everyone says uni is awesome! , i hate trying to figure out what i need todowith my life it sucks
  11. Ok, if i write this...at the end of my post... Does that help?
  12. Is it auto posted? Its just i wouldnt trust the royal mail, I might just be left with crumbs.. possibly the sexiest picture of mark ever?
  13. When do i get my cookie then mark?
  14. Made me chuckle, fingers crossed it posts once...
  15. I got a huge poker chip set, that didnt come with cards or rules...WTF? how am i ment to play that. Also i got a 12 pack of condoms, because my mum called me a slag...lmao
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