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Lee Cable

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Everything posted by Lee Cable

  1. sicvis pacem Parabellum If you want peace prepare for war the Punisher
  2. Aww:( i would come, but i cant get there, ill speak to paul, and see if he wants to go, ....please pauly..
  3. Meh, should need bleeding maybe once every 6-7 month's. Dont bleed it every week or whatever some people do, if it feels fine, leave it.!
  4. AIf you have pics of that, feel free to upload them, and pm me the link...dude, shes hot
  5. When and can i kip there? Colchester is a mission, but i reckon it will be worth it. Yes he does, he rode in the summer, and is still amazing, He shoulda done that beast of a role gap, he woulda minced it. Paul, is scotty that dude we met on the train? going to lowestoft? If so, hes damnnn good.
  6. err wtf, my cock slipped outa my trousers, and this popped up at the same time:S
  7. Righteo, I personally run the same setup. I have a heatsink adapter, check leadstrials post. You will need a Avid Ultimate caliper, Avid Ultimate Lever Odyssey Linear Cable And some CRM's and your laughing, ceramic rim, and you possibly have the ultimate brake...Pun intended;)
  8. i watched it and got paranoid, then i realised all i do is wank and goto school, so watching me would be pointless
  9. Beccles, but im sure once im riding again, we could meet in ipswich?
  10. If anyone does that, i will lick the cheese from between there toes, and call them master, cause that is huge.
  11. Can't believe i didn't notice that before, haha thats me
  12. He will annodise the inside of the sidewall.
  13. Lee Cable


    There was CCTV of it coming in, from a garage, but within 1 hour of it happening, they went and took it. And the grass... hahahahaha
  14. Lee Cable


    Im going to follow the T-F trend and say.. p.s. Snowblades are gay
  15. Lee Cable


    Voted no, to the moon landing. Yes to JFK assasination, things arnt right there and yes to 911 and pentagon things, as that is definately a conspiricay, especially the pentagon, WTF?
  16. Go with what this guy has said, harsher grind the better!
  17. Lee Cable


    Haha, naa district is ok fun i spose. But we have some fairly funny guys in our district, and all us senior's do sweet F/A. Which is a good laugh. Then when the younger cadets refuse todo what we tell them, we go and wake them at 3 in the morning, and make them get ready, and stand at attention, for 4 hours untill everyone us is up, any talking and they do pressups. Tis great fun, and requires no effort. Naa drill is as fun as you make it, especially static drill, thats some serious fun there. Were currently training for our area guard. Great fun....or not...8 pace static about turn, with the colour..how much fun can that be...
  18. Is this freeware? or do i have to buy it? NOONE MENTION ILLEGALNESS!
  19. Lee Cable

    New Tattoos

    Right, IMO I have always thought tatoo's are pointless and a waste of time. BUT reading this thread has changed that. Let me explain my story: Basically, when my mum was 15, she slept with this bloke, whos a cock. Thus i came into the world, and im a cock. When she was 17, she met my step dad(who i call and class as my real dad). I would really like to show that i appreciate what he has done for me. I have always used his last name(cable) and never my real father's. I have never even seen my real dad, let alone spoke to him. You can possibly understand why i dont want nothing todo with his side of the family. So i was thinking of getting 'Cable' tatooed on my arm. Why do you guys think? i dont want it to be big but just enough so it can be seen. Opinions would be awesome!
  20. Lee Cable


    You looking at going to welbeck college?
  21. Lee Cable


    I am, im going in the navy, as a comm's officer. After uni and stuff. getting grants from the navy for uni, so i wont have no debt.
  22. Lee Cable


    Is that as a basic rating? Whats pay you going in on?
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