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Lee Cable

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Everything posted by Lee Cable

  1. Has anyone seen my shoe, I like his name, makes me smile everytime I read it.
  2. Well if you bring me my bike, before the ride, then i can fix my brakes and ...well there is nothing I can do about the engagements. What skatepark is that fool? Not leiston? surely?
  3. Aha, i have a megamo radical(26"), ill find a piccy and edit it in.
  4. Aha, if i can persuade paul to get me my bike, ill be there. Crapper than ever, but ill be there, dont you worrys boys! Anything changes gimme a call. 07894743955 names Lee Cable or radical rider from tf
  5. I got caught just now, by my dog, he licked my nuts and ran off. So i carried on, and my mum walked in, I am pissed so i didnt have the reactions of a normal person! lmfao
  6. Sorry guys, cant make it, cant get my bike of paul, as i dont have a car anymore sorry.
  7. i will show before i go in, and when i come out on my first leave
  8. yea thats fine with me, i dont mind, there not some of the hardest bastards for no reason?
  9. Yea i have spoken to a recruitment officer, and he said that If i wanted todo it, then he reckons I could. I understand what you are trying to say. But the thing is, i dont have any enemies. Like i said, im a very friendly person, and I get on with everyone.
  10. yeaaa, thats nothing, i dont mind that. Im a friendly guy, so aslong as im doing it with my mates, then i can do anything. But there has to be some fun involved, so thats something to look forward to.
  11. Well I have been wanting todo something like this all my life, and I personally and alot of my friends think I could make it. I have alot of mental perserverence(even though I cant spell). I know that its going to be very hard, and i understand that.
  12. thanks for the replys, ok i will just wait untill im on leave and then ride every day! But i heard the RM have a downhill team, so maybe I could apply for that
  13. Lol, im going to try and join, but I wanna know if I am allowed to ride thats all Ive always been different Yea, I understand thats its tough, thats what appeals to me. Im a navy fan..Sea cadets . I have looked at the RAF, but planes dont really interest me.
  14. Righteo, im sick of school. I was going to join the navy after my a levels anyway. So basically, Ive been looking at the RM commando's. I know the fitness is going to have to be top notch. I can already do all of the running, and then do the push ups and situps staright after. Its all no worries I was just wondering, does anyone know anyone, that joined the royal marines? How did they find it? Did they enjoy it?? Did they ride? and if so Will I be allowed to ride in my free time? Just some quick questions LeeBaBy
  15. This guys is one of those people that uses the following mot-o If you cant get one at 16, get 2 at 8
  16. Grats dude, and very amusing, made me giggle! Hope he doesn't annoy you with random wake up times, remember there is always ebay!
  17. Dont worry, i do this all the time. Just take the pads outs and push the pistons back in with something small. Like a flat head screwdriver. They just pop your pads back in. Stick your wheel back in, and pull the lever a few times and this shall fix it. If not, then rebleed. EDIT: beaten by paul, i went to the toilet inbetween
  18. hey, I may also be interested in coming, as I can ride now. So yea, if there is some decent stuff to ride then i am definately interested.
  19. And then he moans when his bike breaks? mines about 4 foot? I find them pointless and boring.
  20. LMFAO, you post like a new member, you get a reply like one! Ali is now a legend
  21. What I will do, I will find out what I can use to make it, and let you know. I'll say I want to make brake pads!
  22. Dude what the hell was that on friday night? All I can say is Paul and yourself should be ashamed. Paul picks fat bird, and you pick, I dont even know what she was? Funny either way, LOL! But back on the topic at hand. Anyone that knows me, will know me as someone who always writes in full english. Text messages, msn or emails. I only just scraped a C in english at GCSE(by like 1 mark scrapage). This doesn't mean I have to type like a retard. Does it really take that much longer to type properly. Yes I can swear, but it all depends on what im swearing about, and in front of ladies, thats just incalled for. lmao, that above paragraph is shit, i always swear and stuff, My real opinion is that if people want to talk like retards, let them, aslong as its to themselves. LEARN TO TYPE PROPERLY!
  23. Meh, im going to speak to my chemistry teacher and see if We are allowed to make some, He asked for some idea's on what we can do in chemistry
  24. But I do remember paul moaning that he had spent way over 500 quidles on makita this summer...kinda says it all I think. Pauls grinder also tends to be a little good, I now have a little chunk outa my rim.
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