I have just read they have custom chain tensioners for them, but on the pics I dont see anything special. Are they just on about snail cams?
Are snail cams worth it as Ive had to get Dan to re shape my tensioners to fit properly, there strudy but they look a mess and I likie a bike to have clean flowing lines
Just thinking would anyone like to make me some custom tensioners for the frame for a price.
Id rather die, whats the point in living if you cant do anything.
The whoe point of life for me is to do things, have fun and enjoy what life has for me.
Ayone know of any grips that are super thin, yet grippy.
I have small hands and used ruffian lock on but i keep breaking those and there expensive to replace so some normal slide on glue down with hair spray grips would be nice.
Are there any planned, as heard its half term soon.
Im free tuesday and wednesday being at uni and the other days I can bunk.
Ill ride anywhere I can get to easily by trian, London, Reading, Pompey etc...
Prob something unrelated but I get a pain in my back and legs but I think I can putthat down to lopng periods of time not riding follwed by a whole days riding and muscles getting used to the work.
Also I get a sharp pain in the muscle above elbow on the inside (i m crap at naming muscles) it comes and goes.
I struggled at a level due to a certain teacher teaching us the wrong thing for ict.
The whole year failed and we all had to re take as ict which is a lot of work.
I got depressed gave up on school then decided i should do some work.
Got a's in my ict after spending 12weeks solid bunking off school getting them finished.
fell behind in maths so spent ages getting back on track to ind i had neglected my geograpghy and ict.
My grades suffered.
I ended up with
Maths d
Geography c
I have hated my school ever since and refuse to have anything to do with them and i went to a grammer school.