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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Oli you may be here all year so dnt hld your breath
  2. Il be there on foot with mydh frame that looks like a gun when wrappe dup. Just passing through though to sell frame to a friend.
  3. I reckon it is cheaper to not use the tube design conventail wrapers are cheaper, well they got to be
  4. I get a warning just like that joe but it says 'malicious script found' norton recommends i deal with it and im done. Im past the caring stage now
  5. Thats a very old pic Steve Tim has no hair.
  6. Oh we Im safe I dont eat any of those foods
  7. With Aspire Mike sends an invoice and reciept via email, I print it off bingo he doest send one in the package. No reciept no proof.
  8. Im not buying a rim from a company that has put no r and d into a product expects me to pay £35 for it. Anyone willing to get a company to mass produce something based on something in a catalgue can do it and f**k them
  9. They do but its black with red and white arrows writing. I was considering it for the being different factor and that they are stunninly good rims. Geting hold of them isnt too hard but they are expensive and black. I just wanted a bike that flowed, silver frame and fork into silver hubs and rims, spokes etc... I dont know Ill either get an dx32, ronnie or arrows rim but i had my heart set on echo rims until the hole count became an issue.
  10. Your not on a good run are you. I cant get an Echo rim because its only 32 hole and I need 32
  11. Im in a pickle, my Koxx rim has seen better days. Im looking for a rim, it has to be silver all over. All I have found is the Koxx and Viz rims I dont eant another Koxx rim and I refuss to buy anything Viz for good reasons. The closest Ive seen is the Monty rims but I heard they are crap. I know alex used to do silver rims as my old one was but I sold it. Im really stuck and I think me being picky has made my choice very hard. Ohit has to be 36 stupid King otherise I would have bought the Echo ones.
  12. Just having a look for a distributor and I come across this site selling them for £23 without postage. http://www.unicycle.uk.com/Shop/ Theres also a rim made by Kris Klum, apparently big in unicycle trials world on there.
  13. Raceface do 31.8 stems I had one on my dh bike the Diablous is 31.8 oversize.
  14. Thats not good, two black guys tried nicking my dh bike off me on the train at staines/feltem station I made a big fuss and ripped the bike off the them and got off they tried running after me. I am scared shit less of taking my dh bike on the train and I always have mr mole grips and screwdriver ready. Anyway I dont have the bike anmore so no more worrying. As for the bikes on trians, I only go on the trains during the times im allowed a bie on which isnt a bother to me, Ill sit anywhere and if if anyone moans out comnes the ticket and the speech on I paid for a ticket I have just as much right as anyone else to be on this train now go shove your head in the toiltet and clean the shit out of you. Hope you get it back.
  15. Seems liike someone has done the maths for me but yep its all true.
  16. Brisa stem is a high one I used to have one, and it was too high for me hence why I chagned to a Echo Team stem
  17. Dont worry I have a cunning plkan worked out already to eradicat these good people. The list is quite long. The basis of the plan reloves around London and a famous part of it more later this year when I get round to sorting it out for good.
  18. Another person to add to my hit list
  19. Its one of those difficault questions with no right answer topics huh. If you are weight consious Id go with the eno, 72 engagemnts after all rolling your socks up is hardly very hard and surely worth the hassle for the performace of the eno. If you want a reliable, super strong set up Id go with the profile. I had one it skipped for the first few weeks then was super perfect ever since. It weighs around 500grams. Both are fully serviable so no prob there. You get the same engagements from both when you work out the effective engagment points of both so thats no an issue. I would go with the profile becasu im not concerned too mcuh about weight. I luckily have the best of both worlds (hint hint).
  20. I found the Echo Team stem to have less rise and reech than my Brisa Stem.
  21. My normal koxx pads never made a squeeking noise just a sand paper rubbing sort of noise. I was told thats how a good brake is supposed to sound.
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