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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. I remembe rit now, we were in Colchester I think was a great way to end the ride
  2. Dont strat me on this again. I was told by dmr themselves that 130mm jr t forks were fine on it so i put them on. If it was the forks then it would have snapped on the weld and it didnt it snapped further down where i had put a dent in the frame and it had rusted. Over shooting a double and thats what happens.
  3. Found my snapped DMR and I swear it was more snapped than his, maybe I am forgetting things.
  4. Ill try hunt down my old dmr frame sanpped in 5 places its a jem
  5. Yep thats another film. Think I have to studied that one.
  6. Does anyone else read into a film, especially the war realted ones. Just curiuos as one of my uni courses is on geopolitics and how films can represent the politics of the world. The james bond films are a good example of Cold war relations there sothers. Films were made with like subliminaly messges, ideas, beliefs attatched. Must have something to do with media being a powerful tool for spreading messages or something along those lines.
  7. Same here Ive ever only said those same words about 'The Rock' the best film Ive seen ever.
  8. See what all this PC shit has done to the world, its a much more boring place to live.
  9. LOL fool look at yourself then youll know roughly what he looked like.
  10. It looks ok but I think its gonna break where that bedn is on the top dube despite what seems to be sme sort of re-enforcement at that area.
  11. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I got it from recieving a picture from someone on here. Ive had loads of people sending me I think notepad files and ive not downloaded them becasue Im lazy. Some guy kept sending me one every few mins which I think wa done automatically. I was talking to joe when it happened so I asked him to check his computer.
  12. You forget mouth is warm snow doesnt like warm conditions
  13. A hope bulb has 36 same as a acs and a mono is less around 20ish. No hope hub has 48 as far as i know.
  14. 18:12 is a better choice as it is slightly harder and when you take into account the small wheels it will feel alot easier. The ratios may be closer with 18:13 to your stock setup but small wheels make ratios feel easier. 18:12
  15. Didnt realise it was a film, was very good though, I thought it was a documentry on Chavs
  16. File name 'Im pissed!.pif' Virus name 'W32.Mropia. M What do I do to remove it nortons crap
  17. As above there are several being sold on Enay right now, for £15 I think, might be £12/13 I cant remember, but I did see them on there yesterday as buy it now items.
  18. Ill be leaving at 11 but im not riding Ill stop and say hi and watch but I have to be at clapham junction by 1 to met someone.
  19. Yeah I thought the answer was 0 as anything multiplied by 0 is 0 but its not having any of it so im giving up. Edit: Im right the calculater says any number times by 0 equals 0 the knob that created that game is wrong
  20. Stage 2 of the maths one, Im sure anything times by 0 is 0 and it doesnt accepte dit
  21. Yeah I know, its the keyboards fault
  22. I have no lens in my eyes hence my lovely glasses so I have an excuss for oly getting to level 5
  23. I had dual rb levers and they worked amazingly while they lasted. I think it was about 2weeks ago they started to leak or i asume they were leaking. I pulled the lever in and the adjust rod thing hit on the lever and the brakes wouldnt lock, rebled them and changed seals but still problems so I swaped them with Chai for a f+r set of magie brakes he has managed to get it to work fine. ood for a period then they die but come back to life for some reason.
  24. Rich Il think it over. Andy dont try and convince me to goViz (If you can get me a pair in silver cheap in the narrow version then Imight be tempted) Arrows or Alex its one of those decsions I blody hate.
  25. So is there a new axle planned for the BMX hub as I know the alxle is different on the BMX than the ISo and Classic.
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