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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Yeah his number would be nice
  2. I cant spell the company name so worked me way around it. God its so tempting, my friend keeps raving on about it and Im caught up in the hype. May sell my ps2 and buy one, just doing my research first. It does look a lot better than the psp in terms of originality and its cheaper. ive never own a big N product other than the original gamboy so may make the plunge. Mario 64 DS looks great and I cant wait to see Mario Kart and how they are going to use that 2nd screen looks promising.
  3. Does anyone know him as Im still waiting for him to pay me money, a considerable amount. Hes never online and his excuss is Ive not been well. This has been going on for about 10days now not quite sure. If anyone knows his home or mobile number pm me it i would like to call him. Otherwise Im going to be giving some very bad feedback And If you read this Andrew get in touch cos Im not happy and youve caused me a great deal of inconvience agreeing to something and not fulfillng that agreement
  4. Ive looked for Alex DX32's alrady found sites but there the newer black version now. Montys are ti/bromiun coloured.
  5. The only reason I want them is they are the only silver rim i can find that might be half good. I have a clour scheme/idea going on and well i may the first who actually wants a completely silver bike
  6. Whats the difference bewteeen the new viz mod rims and the sand bash mod rims Can I still get the rims in the narrower width as I dont like the idea of 46 and 39mm rims Main thing though are they any better at holding a grind than a Koxx rim and whats the performance like. If your sponsered by them answer but I will not listen
  7. I want snow dont have to come home, miss work, miss stupid trip to london on friday
  8. Hopefully All depends if the trians will be running Friday if they arent then I cant get home from uni and my bikes at home Also have an essay in for Thursday next eek and havent started, maybe time to use the im disabled give me extention excuss.
  9. Tried and tested v12's but at the mag to them v12mags amazing peadals
  10. I wasnt actually late I just wanted t get there and have a kip
  11. Yeah my hubs and headset are all silver got my sleek, smooth flowing silver look going, trying to make the bike look like 1 piece of metal. Although what I tried suggesting to my brother with his old koxx was to has an alternate colour scheme of silver and black, it would have looked trick as f**k
  12. OMFFFFFFFFFG 8-6 of constant assessemnts, my brain is dead will refil with a whole pizza. I almost didnt get there with waether, trians delayed and so on, I f**king ran in a suit through london. ,Met some top people there. Hopefully all goes well first proper interview first proper job what a result hopefully
  13. No he hasnt, weve installed a restricter. It doesnt allow him to go that big, well take it off one day.
  14. Cant you just use Parcel Force's 24 hour delivery service, they come and collect
  15. Oh tht is brilliant even Im not that bad
  16. They kinda know I race dh or now used to since I sold up. Ill baffle them with my geographical knowledge. Anyway Im gonna whack a piccy up of me in a suit its so so strange. I get to be a 'suit' for the day
  17. The day is nearly upon me. I dont believe i have to be out the house by 6am Think Ill just be myself but talk a bit more. Its for the civil service so just maybe Ill geta job and I have a say in how the UK is run. I was told to have a broad selection of departments I want to work in so Ive come up with: transport environment education defense Going to try my suit on now, I looked good in it before.
  18. Michael Hardman Essex (your not having my full address my bikes need to stay safe)
  19. Ahem that was the point to the moonying to piss him off and get a good bit of footage (bumage) the pushing off was the icing on the cake.
  20. Chais one seems ok despite the biggest dent ive ever seen in a downtube.
  21. Just found this on Ebay, Im not buying it just really curious as to who makes it, from the description I can only assume its a piece of cheap allow crap.
  22. Mine was the log form my site but ive given up on it so might aswell change it to something else
  23. Shame we left early we could have shown the police the vid, and pressed charges
  24. I treate dit like shit and ragged the thing to death, did go hucking on it so im not surprised it went. DMR wouldnt warrenty it eiher bastards. Mr Lim will back me up on this as he was there when I snapped it
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