Nah just badages for me, used to wear one every time a played football.
Oh the day the leg broke, I hated the leg cast that was a big bandage too far for me
Echo flat ones I think thats all they make.
I really think it could be riding style and the constant high speed (well for trials) crashing realted incidents.
Right I can type perfectly fine but when it comes to writing and genrally moving my fingers (making a fist and undo that fist) I get a sharp pain through my wrist.
Its really bugging me as Im going to be riding with an injury that I dont know where it come from.
I will admit I crash a hell of a lot and land on all arts of my body mor than most but they just seem to go, this onw however seems here to say.
I dont know what to do.
I would be interested in some pads with a bigger metal backing as Im going from a 42mm Koxx rim to a 38mm Onza rim in the rear of my Echo and I was wondering whether I would have the same problem. I also need new pads so might aswell kill two birds with one stone.
Hey were not putting his frame down for using a disk.
He wanted feedback and hes got it, and if he likes disks on the rear fair enough Im not saying hes a foll nd I dont think anyone else is come to it.
I also thought the Simpsons had a serious side to it.
Cant remeber what it was, maybe it was something to do with family values or something onlong those lines
For a minute I thought my mod had the longest wheelbase.
Echo Team 1050mm
Funny thing is it doesnt feel like its thats long, bet its the same with the Python
Im 20mins from London by train and it not really snow here, more like a bit ofice here and there.
It will be fine in London thetemperatures are generally hiherbecasue of the traffic and they would ave gritedall of londons roads
I dont believe Im going to ride.
Weather looks nice during the day, 4 degrees and sunny/cloud but -4 degrees at night (soon as sun goes down) think im gonna leave earlyish then. I only have some tops no coat for me lef it all at uni.