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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Lol Im pissing myslef that might turn them off. Im going docs 2morra even though Im not registrered there anymore.
  2. I've had a pain in my foot for about 3 weeks now and its across the top of my foot, just above the toes. The pain goes away over the night and as soon as I do a bit of walking or riding it comes back and stays until I go to sleep. I got told a nasty story about someone who thought nothing of there injured wrist for months onylt o find out the bone had rotted and had to be cut off, Im not doctor so I dont know how much bullshit ther eis to that story. I dont know what to do and whether to see a GP for which I dont have one as I was at uni or go to hospital, which I dont really want to do as thats a whole day wasted. Any adive would b enice.
  3. Looks ok tri pod was funny but if you want bad movies try watch Charlies Angels Full Throtle, I tired but after 5mins I was falling asleep its a damm joke.
  4. Ill be i nLondon o nthe 9th with my fellow BMXers I wonder if I will remember anyone from the MBUK rides
  5. ME like the dual disks can I have a go in London.
  6. I had one of those real early Haro Shredders all chrome.
  7. I loved doing my dissertation seeing as a lot of the results were made up due to my interviewees not doing anythin g for me. Then my computer died and thank f**k I saved it to disk. I spent a week in the computer centre until 4pm at times writing and changing things it was so cool to be the only one there and I was actualty doing some work. Computer got fixed and I started proof reading and printing the day I gave it in I was so pleased with wehat I had done. Then began the long slog till the finalls an another 3, 3k word essays to write plus revisioon. I came out alive and miss it so much Im going back in September.
  8. I am and apart from the bolts that are made of cheese there great levers, nice shape so much leverage for a small lever.
  9. Remember stupid me cut their bars to 19inch when I was brakeless Im surprised I even got a lever on ther enow but it works super nice. I have a Mono Small now with no tweaking its just right.
  10. I prefer Road Folols where Hamilton hopes up those massive 3 set stairs and manual gaps to the next and crashes the first two times. It might be 11 but 12 is good
  11. I bent, reshaped and cut my lever down to fit my narrow bars. I heated it up and then bent it and let it cool before I cut and filed it down to look like a Goldfinger lever but shorter.
  12. I hate them both, and mayo, salad dressing. I love gravy though cant have a roast wihout it.
  13. Im the garage but its full of junk, so until there shifted its just a pick up point for tools and into the backroom.
  14. RThats a little different, you were clever to buy off of someone well known on here and a genuine bloke. This person seems to be just some kid selling something with no reference to go on.
  15. Col we shall ride Ilford this time but at the weekend as the cops have gone all zero tolerence on cycling there now.
  16. I only found the wall a few days back, completely forgot itwas there. If I can get my mate out riding then we can take some riding pics until then youll have to image me doing all sorts of werid stuff, infact Im off out to ride now.
  17. There not all up yet as some of the places are a bit unsafe at this time, so theyll be taken on Sunday when no ones around. Theres no actual riding but theres some damage Ive left in my wake just to prove to anyone who doubts me that I do actually ride. B&Q Rail I havent tried it yet I will do very soon Wallride angle one Wallride angle two Same place different wallride There my tyre marks roughly 4 foot up that fence is over 20ft high. Court Yep they don't give a shit, police station shots later. Sloped banks More sloped banks, stepper this time Other side of mellower bank and raised island i nthe road with gap Massive rail, same on the other side The one thing I cant do at this spot. Bigger banks and rail Tesco This is one bitch of a hard wallride, crap run up and allways busy. Wallride Fence ride from flat behind Tesco Sorry I did that to the fence, I think its someones house aswell.
  18. I finsihed uni a year ago, Im not going back to uni till September so I still get taxed but I get it back. My tax code has gone down this year but I dont care I will only be earning for another 3 months and then Im at uni with no job but a nice sized grant from the government.
  19. Looks US BB to me, just go buy a set of bearings and if you want some BB cups I have some spare if you want to buy them foir cheap.
  20. My heart skipped a beat just then, IO read Michael Har and thought it was me that owed someone a bike. Postal service is crap give it 5 days and if nothing then start a paypal complaint
  21. I dont have a clue, Imn ot moaning.
  22. Only one company can have your P45 form and therefore only one company will knwo waht tax band your in and be able to tax you properly. The other will not know what to tax you and you have to pay emergency tax which is stupid high as I had this problem until last week when the new agency I work for got my P45, they paid back all my tax though. Im on like £230 after tax a week so Im not complaining. Plus pay rise as Im working on a performance based scale. Teachings great. I can earn 5700 a year and not get taxed and I made sure I didnt as I dont need the money, all the tax Im charged will eventually get paid back when I request a p45 from my last employee which will be septemnber as Im back off to uni.
  23. I have a bike and am most likily coming as well.
  24. I spent some time setting my brakes up properly this time round and theres no squeel just loads of lock. My last wheel squeeled as I didnt set it up right but it still locked fine on a black rim with the same pads. I have Plaz pads on it.
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