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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Make dont foget the lube you might need it for bumming Mr V
  2. Tis indeed in the easter hols. It is the 3rd London ride arranged on mbuk and for opnce Im going on a trials bike not a full blown full sus
  3. Metal Gear Solid 3 I still have only played gt4 for an hour or so in arcade mode cant wait to go home can play it all day all weekend
  4. make your own fork with curtis that viz one is gonna make me puke
  5. oh my god the game is dam bloody amazing. oh oh oh Im gonna be busy for a long time now. Oh oh oh And cheers for the cable info Ill find something spare lying around the house.
  6. Im off out soon to buy it hopefully somewhere has a copy left. Woolworths is my best bet as Special reserve in Egham are useless after the MGS cock up
  7. PS2 requires a scart socket in the tv for it to work. Im sure Im right, if I can connect it to a tv without a scart led without buying anything let me know asap Im gonna go home and pick it up if thats the case
  8. Not so simple, no scart socket in my tv at uni otherwise Id be playing computer games non stop
  9. Michael Hardman


    Is GT4 worth it? I see the boast of like 2000 cars hasnt materialised yet I do see the minis and a maclearan f1. The tuning options seem to be improved , bonus for me, thats the bes tpart of the game for me. Also just saw the advert and my jaw did actually drop but then I did see the Chelsea game so maybe it was already dropped. I just bought mgs and I dont know whether I can splash out another £30 and my ps2 is at home so will be a weekend game or Im gonna bunk off lectures and go home wedseday if I buy it which is naughty of me as I have essays to write. God Im a turd at times.
  10. You are worth exactly $3,345,190.00
  11. Does it I ve never had a problem with any of the mods Ive had
  12. My face will all ways be the same :D
  13. Not the first time youve ripped a maggie apart, cant remeber where you did it but haha.
  14. Ok then reverse what i said red is a darker shade of pink
  15. I might add that pink is a darker shade of red etc etc etc............
  16. Going on that logic all 'colours' are shades
  17. Looks likea big bmx frame top job me love
  18. Hasnt stopped me, I just downlaod from reasonable fast connections say 100-400 now as most of the 500 plusers are crap.. Would explain things if its true
  19. Blacks not a colour f**k me where have I had my head all these years :lol: :lol: :lol:" :lol:
  20. Dave stop being a twat all those bikes are colour co-ordinated. All silver is colour co-ordinated just as a silver frame and all red parts.
  21. Id ride but one my wrist still huirts and two my brothe rhasnt built my wheels up yet. Im itching to get out and ride and pompey would be a great idea.
  22. They can tell when a card is declined from the info you give so if its declined they will say through email or something.
  23. The storyline is so good, it takes so mamy twists and turns like all the mgs games. However having played all of the mgs games you kinda know roughly when theres gonna be a plot change. But saying that the action, although all stealth is pretty intense. I have played it for a few hours now and well im back at uni so it will have to wait till the weekend to play some more as i dont have a tv with a scart led.
  24. I got it but was busy talking to othe rpeople so just ignored it
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