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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Glad my mum was hogging the tv at that time now, went and rode my bike instead, looks like 30mins well spent riding.
  2. Enjoy the rain, the crowds, the police and the packed trains there and back, Im nice as warm here.
  3. Google has the answers. Look at language used for god sake, highlight words that have an ill sentiment to there meanings, ones that when pronoumced sound harsh. Look at the stage settings, will normally be dark, badly lite, evil people in shadows, good in the light. Its so easy you can bloody wing it, just find a few quotes and use them. I got a B in lit and didnt read any of the set texts.
  4. I've had random dreams about little things that have happened weeks later and when they happen in real life I start thinking I swear I knew about this and it feels strangly familar to something that happened in the past but I couldnt put my finge ron it at the time. Werid sense of dey ja vu. I get lots of werid dreams about ding but I wake up beofre it happens. I've had those falling ones when I was youner they came out of the blue and I would always wake up before I hit the ground as I thought I was going to die and therefore woke up before I died in my dream. Certain music has the same effect I go into a deep day dream about how Im the chosen one with the power to end life as we knw it. Also I used to think I weas god and could do what I liked they were cool. One was were I disliked Blair and Bush and stood in the middle of Westminster giving a speech on how I was going to blow up the world while the police and army tried to kill me but I had some magival power to stop this. I have an over active imagination, Ill write a book.
  5. You can get to the milenium bridge by working your way along the river front, no need to use the main streetsds. Get out the station and head towards the river and get down onto the river fornt paths running along the river and floow those they will take you out to the little bank place you ride by that school/college place under the bridge.
  6. Was that a barspin 360 at the end?
  7. I'm apparently riding a park in Romford on Sunday, but I don't like the idea but riding street i nRomford is a good plan.
  8. Agreed, although Gran Turismo comes close, both games that have defined their generes. Mario aswell
  9. 5mins ride form me in Barkingside
  10. True, I might have the pegs if you want to split.
  11. Yeah the post is supposed to be delivered like normal tomorrow but Mondays its closed
  12. I lost my firestarter where i get new one from, also how do i heal myslef.
  13. I hope thats only surface rust.
  14. I was bringing in King hubs and headsets for 6 months never got caught, fake price and emailed recipt all sorted.
  15. I had the same feeling when my cast was cut off my leg, I was up walking fine and then it hit me, I came over all hot and sweety, dizzy and out of breathe. It was simply my body going into shock due to the sudden cange.
  16. If I can find the cd I have a remix of Freestyler by Machine Supremacy its a reat remix better than the original as its got a rock theme going through it.
  17. My foot needs to come off. No doc said I've probably over stretched a ligament and I need 1-2 weeks rest, that wont happen. Im resting till Sunday then riding then Im baack to work which involves a lot of leg work and I cant go sick as I don't get paid and its gooooooooood money.
  18. Joe it is Dans got 25:12 on his BMX and tat stupidy easy. I was tmepted to go 27/28:9 but I saw the new Profile Blade sprocket and fell in love with it nd I coud only get it in 25.
  19. Anyone reckon I coud do the same to my crank bolt as my cranks loosen off and wobble on th splines after every ride. The bolt and axle are titanium if that matters when buying threadlock, aradite.
  20. Strange theres no swelling, both feet fell the same, I can move my toes on both feet ithout a problem. Also when I put any shoe on with laces it will start to hurt from walking aslo those lace less low cut shoes hurt becasue there so loose. I think its my shoes as there all wvery old and have no support.
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