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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. I just bought my Sun rims direct from Hotlaines the distributor, so much easier.
  2. Any seen the toy car advert for Peageuot well thats their inspiration, all look like toy cars to me expect those 4 above pointed out that look very nice.
  3. I accept your challenge but itll have to wait till i return home to the pallets
  4. Jacko eat your heart out :lol: Arh well up to them two companies
  5. Seen it before but still a class act, I stil lreckon its staged
  6. Id steer clear of Atomlab rims there liike cheese as bad as Halo wheels. As for single wides I had single tracks on my le toy, lasted over a year, no other wheel has lasted that long with me and i wasnt affraid to abuse the bike.
  7. Looks like theyve reversed the rear triangle. I cant work, thoise chainstays will die a very quick death. Mr Mark I can run a 113 bb on my echo as it stands, infact i should be running one now as my 118 bb is too wide.
  8. Lol drop a tenner more likie drop a wad of 50's
  9. Just got me hands on a few bob so been on ebay buying a few things upping my rating, bought 4 things or will have in 5 hours time for £50 all bargins. Got a few more super bargins on there but Im not telling there all mine. Whats the best bargin youve got on ebay.
  10. Im one of veryt few to destroy a well built sun mag30 rim, i was hucking silly hieghts to stairs in london though. It got warrentied. Sun rims are a real alternative to mavic
  11. tim, matt, dan, steve, jimbo and me have all done it either when we are border on a ride, too tired to ride, or bikes broken, its fun fun fun
  12. Youll be shocked how shitly top name brand clothing is made. Yourpaying for a label not quality
  13. Anyone watch that celeb detox programe that was extreme and thats whats needed to purify yourself 100% Im fit and healthly, could do with not drinking but I dont drink to the point of stupidity just so Im merry Im naturally hyperactive so drink isnt needed that much also could eat heltheir but while my blood pressure and calestorl are normal and I can eat all day and not put on weight im fine. Im fit and active, too active maybe.
  14. Wrong vid I think. Its in New World Disorder 3 i think, and itsa bout 80foot Wades Simons did it aswell, Bender crashed as he overshoot the landing so technically it was 100foot crash. I havent get it anymore due to rebooting computer but Im sure they have it on www.pinkbike.com under the vid section, if not try posting in the forum on pinkbike or mbuk they will ahveit for sure.
  15. Onza = not going to fold itsefl up in a nice small package.
  16. If you live good on you if you die well know
  17. Doesnt hard anodizing cost a fortune.
  18. Dont worry about the size Im 5ft 6 and ride the long echo team and its fine for me.
  19. Anyone know a specific date for uk relase I want one now, my echo team frame ands fork are now for sale, offers on a postcard
  20. I cant make it now have an exam on 16th may and its very important
  21. Technically speaking we as riders go out knowing we could hurt ourselves so should we get free health care. I think the question is should nhs money be spent trying to encourage people not to smoke. If people choose not to having been given the option then I think they shouldnt get free health care for smoking related problems.
  22. Firstly Steve you poo head Ive been cutting my last few 3k essays fine, 3 days infact to write them and I got good marks. Anyway Ill help you but I expect sexual favours in return :P" How old are you? 21 What made you join Trials-Forum? Friend showed me the link Are you, or have you been a member of another Internet forum? Which one? What made you join? Yes I am a member of other forums. MBUK Southerndownhill Descent world Pinkbike I joined MBUK as I used to read their magazine The others I joined so I could talk about downhill and dirt jumping as its not the place here. How often do you use Internet forums? Too often Do you use forums specifically for getting answers to questions and discussing relevant topics, or do you use them to chat to friends as well (chit chat)? Yes to all Have you found yourself sat in front of an Internet forum for more than an hour, sifting through posts just to keep yourself entertained? Sadly yes, keeps me going through writing essays and so does red bull Have you ever had an Internet forum as a homepage? No Have you ever had anal sex? Now that would be telling, unfortunantly I dont swing that way unless you want to convince me otherwise Steve darling :)" As a member of an Internet forum, do you feel like you belong to some sort of community? Yes, especially when we meet up and organise rides Define the word community in your own words Arh so this is waht your essays on. Community to me is a group of people from all sorts of varying backgrounds that come together through a shared interest in a particular activity, passion, hobby, event. I didnt take that form a dictionary a geogrpaghy degree really helped though. :) Do you feel you are a part of a community? (not trials forum) Yes, my uni community
  23. You can buy Azonic Chubby bars with 28.6 clamp area, heres the link
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