Im doing my uni finals.
I have 4 exams this week one day after the other.
I did some revision over the holidays but it wasnt foucused enough, now Im spending most of this week in a room somewhere on campus revising away.
Got another exam at 2pm today and im just baout ready for it.
Then I get orried as i have half a day to revie for my worst subject and that means oh dear trouble, so its red bull in that random room again revising.
Then theres Friday and another exam so thankfully I can go an all nighter as its my last one this week and for another 10days.
Revise in small gruops talk and discuss things it sure as hell works. Thats what Friday exam will be room few friends work, notes, talk, discuss, play around all night into the early hours of the morning.
Oh one more thing check the room your in we found out we were locked in last night so an escape through the wndow was needed.