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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Ive done a bit more reading now. I want a road car not an off road thing. Are there any shops apart from ebay to buy from.
  2. Im bored and I want one just becasue I remeber how much fun my friends was a long time ago. Im very new to it and if any one has any ideas aobut them Im looking to spend no more than £250 on one but I need to know what to look for. Whats the fastest model i can get. Also if I buy one do I get everything i need to get it running except for the petrol.
  3. WHts the description about, quit the moaning the knobs o nthe track Id expect to see him get hit. Does anyone watch men and motors there was a race between a ferrari and a dodge viper and the viper went too fast into a corner and dropped 100foot off the cliff. It was all shown f**king shocking
  4. I heard a little scot say Im gonna nick your bike to me about 15mins ago while I was riding. So I just flew at him on the bmx and oh my god he screamed like a girl and creame dhimself once I broke his phone. His big brothers i nthe park he says come get me Im like Im not that stupid you little shit and I chaed him again. Made my day thats 2 in a week now other one tried taking my gold dus cap so I went for him.
  5. No wonder theres so many little shits hot wiring cars these days.
  6. I had same problem I emailed them said theyve been super busy this bank holiday. Mine came the next day
  7. Id go with Sun rims just becasue there eyeletted and Oddessey rims are overpriced also Alex rims weigh a tonne.
  8. Marys prob the most down to earth person in there, her values suck in some respects but most are souind. Everyone else has their head up their own arse. Big brother knows how to create stereotypes and reinforce them
  9. Primo sell blue, red, white, black and some other colour spokes not sure where to get them from thoug but I also hear there crap.
  10. Could be sdg bel air looks like mine
  11. Doesnt google now host vids for free, Im signed up
  12. If you get pulled by cops can they tell if the restrictor has been taken out, if they cant then why not take it out and put it back in for M.O.T? I want a bike now, given up wioth a car I just want to burn it off the line at the traffic lights waving my middle finger as I fly off. No seriously I think its easier to drive than a car, Im having trouble but then Ive only been out twice in a car.
  13. My brothers insured by Sainsburys fopr 1500 ish i think on a 1.4 306 he gets 15% off from my discount card.
  14. Thats pushing it too far. I was going to build my 36 hole profiles onto 48 hole big city rims but dan said no. And yeah dans wheel is fine I cant see any problems with it yet, he hasnt had to true it since he built the wheel which is a few months now.
  15. I run a half link on my mod and my bmx just so I can achieve a shorter chainstay length. Ive never had a problem with them yet and I bought spares jus tincase.
  16. Profile have brought out most of their product in fancy colours now. Chain tensioners Chain rings Hop up kit for cranks Bar ends Stems Seat clamps
  17. Have you looked at other insurers yet.
  18. By the looks of his face. Anal pleasure or oral. Im alowed to say that right, if not to bad I said it.
  19. Shame I was at uni in egham but ive finished now so unless tim lets mestay at his i cant ride. But anywho london is 30mins away and much much better.
  20. www.alanbmx.com have then I was looking at them today thinking I need a new helmet.
  21. The bit where they destroy themselves
  22. What an ambition, wonder if her 2 brain cels are working. Might aswell be a lay about far more stylish and a lot more work.
  23. The black gay guy sounds to posh for my liking. A fiver each and the slappers will open up.
  24. Oh well I made £50 at wok today andanother £50 for 2morra.
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