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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Controlling population growth
  2. Not with profiles Mark, they come with a tool you put in the crank bolt holes and whack with a hammer and uess wat I dont have one and Im not aying £15 for one.
  3. I do mine mysef, I just use my fingers and feel and it normally goes ok apart from once when i ended up with bald patches so out came the razor and I had a shiny head. I just use a shaver thing now set at 9mm then I let it grow so I can spike it then when the spikes become stupid I shave it again.
  4. Thats what Im worried about I have no journalistic related skills other than I took a degree that required me writing an essay every month, working to tight dealines, organisational skills etc... I can take photos if I have to but I think the addvantage I do have is that I am very passionate about biking related stuff and I do know my shit about everything from dh to trials to bmx to dirt jumping. I dlove the opputunity to travel to events and write about them, I feel Ive relied on these magazines and theyve impacted on who and what I am in biking I want to put something back into it. I sure as hell know I could never design parts so I want to put something back into the sport through a more academic method ie writing about it. Im also much better at communicating my ideas and thoughts on something via writing that orally even though it doesnt seem like it on here but hats becasue I cant spare the time to write nine pages on a topic on here but in a professional envirnoment I would. Thats my rant over
  5. Im also sure I have a spare 13tooth cassette cog.
  6. I know just thought Id stat what an ideeal world would be like.
  7. Jornalism it is my eyesight lets me down. I need bonoptical vision and I have tunnel vison. Going to write a nice letter accompanied by some reviews of things. Anyone know of any other publishing companies apart form Future Publishing ltd.
  8. I take it the London ride is going to be cancelled
  9. I think its a disgrace that we have to pay to prove who we are, surely we have the right to a free identity.
  10. Found out I might not pass the eyesight test which is unfair Ill pass the fitness thing I used to run cross country, still play football I healthy. As for my writing this a forum I dont care about my grammer in the professional job I would spell check everything and check grammer and stuff inm not stupid. I like both but the police is the most likily as I havent seen any journalism jobs advertised in the bmx/biking or computer game area. Oh just read the last bit Im 21 so no prob there I know my shhissle when it comes to biking I could write reviews infact Ive writen a few on a bmx forum and they seem to have had possitve feedback on them. If I was to apply for journalism Id happily write them a view articles or reviews. Atleast Im looking for a job now so Im no longer a lazy b*****d
  11. Im thinking about joining the police nice and simple really sign up, Ill pass the phyiscal easily. Or theres writing for a magazine preferably a computer game one or mbuk i have no experiance of journalism but I have been writing essays and a diseration for 3 years so I can write. Im thinking about emailing or writing to a few magazines or the publishers to see if they will take me on.
  12. someone tranfer it to me over msn please add miha95038@hotmail.com
  13. None of those I like anything filled with strawberry cream
  14. A laptop will be more practical at uni you can take it with you and plug it in where ever you go, try go wireless awell. I didnt really care as I was registered with special needs as in bad eyesight so the council gave me about 3k's worth of equipment and I still have it and I got to spend £200 a year on books and claim all the money back.
  15. What to do then, bring back the cane and punish the shit out of naughty cildren, no pain no gain theyll soon be straightened out.
  16. about 20inches I have no front wheel
  17. They are shit, well round here they are. But yesterday they were verygood in time of need im not denying them that
  18. Im seriously thinking about going back to uni to do a Ma inCultural Geography. May be doing it on London as a stage of performance taking the scene of bmx and trials into it, or maybe just extreme sports i nthe capital. It was going to be my disertation but I couldnt get the right supervior for it did a stupid politics bsed disertation instead.
  19. Now its a shame the police are not like this with other incidents if tey were Id love them to death. The emeregency serives shone yesterday. Its a day to be thankful it could have been a lot worse
  20. So ture I think Im a damm fool for buying a new trials frame as I dont ride it much bmx has taken over. I must add having a leaking mini doesnt help. Im seriously thinking about seling up and just having one bike. Theres more people round here that ride trials but its getting too slow for me and bmx is so fast and exciting.
  21. Lo hips theres a massive one under a flyover where I live great fun but the run in limits speed, its a bit bumpy and too much speed hurts my writs but is fun. I hate 3 piece cranks they take an age to set up and mine are not right and the are a pain to get off.
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