Thats what Im worried about I have no journalistic related skills other than I took a degree that required me writing an essay every month, working to tight dealines, organisational skills etc...
I can take photos if I have to but I think the addvantage I do have is that I am very passionate about biking related stuff and I do know my shit about everything from dh to trials to bmx to dirt jumping. I dlove the opputunity to travel to events and write about them, I feel Ive relied on these magazines and theyve impacted on who and what I am in biking I want to put something back into it. I sure as hell know I could never design parts so I want to put something back into the sport through a more academic method ie writing about it.
Im also much better at communicating my ideas and thoughts on something via writing that orally even though it doesnt seem like it on here but hats becasue I cant spare the time to write nine pages on a topic on here but in a professional envirnoment I would.
Thats my rant over