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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Hope your not saying Im committing benefit fraud becasue Im not. Im entited to job seekers alloance. Ive finished uni Im looking for a job but they dont come and hit you in the face and I work part time for 8 hours a week. That entitles me legaly to free money. Its not as if Im aking your money Im giving th money to my mum as rent. So in theory Im aking the money she pays in taxes and giving it back to her.
  2. No bad pr in the case of the government is not good and not wanted to a celeb they dont care if it gets thema new job then tey dont care.
  3. Just found out Im entitled to job seekers allowance becasue Im in work but work less than 16 hours a week. I can also claim on my diasabilty which I dont see as a disabilty but what the hey might aswell screw the government and tax payers out of some extra money. Before you say it Im looking for a job just I cant afford to pay my mum rent andmoving out is even worse. I love the benefit system, anyone else signed up or going to. Is job seekers alowance different to signing on the dole
  4. I think team monkey is around to make up for something lacking in a few bodily departments high and low
  5. Is that the same dimitiri we met way back?
  6. I finished my exams for the second year of uni so decided to go out every day and spent it in the pub, uni life was great. I wasnt drunk al dayjust once I got drunk I had a fag, peer pressure shallow me. But I dont know it was only a week so wasan experiment
  7. Have you tried being dead I ear is very relaxing
  8. I smoked for a week becasue I was always drunk. Although it never stuck and apart from that week Ive never smoked before and I never will again.
  9. How you getting there. I might aswell come with have nothing better to do but it will be on a BMX.
  10. I blame my keyboard for my speeling, it has some keys that dont work unles you whack them hard but its hot and I odnt always have energy
  11. Im running some special ones not on that list. Hehe 1 Plaz CRM and 1 Koxx Bloxx Brown
  12. Thats a bit pessimistic onny, shameon you, I doubt thePOlice with all thsi bombing crap could give two hoots about bikes, I wouldnt if I was one. Have to admit Southbank is a bit crap but you know tere are a few skate parks around like Brixton which is any bike friendly and its out side, rolling concrete banks
  13. Il be on the damm bmx again stil no word one whats happening about my brake
  14. hen you get to the US shut terrorists and point to your parents problem solved, you might not see them again though
  15. I can join the police now found out I do have binocular vison ie im not cross eyed and my eyesight is fine so will be applying for that.
  16. Il be in ondon for sure not sure about others yet the ones today are a no no Im going to my stpid graduation thing
  17. Looks smaller but otherwise I see nothing else, maybe its not worth chaing the design so why change it.
  18. Oi you with the can go stand in the corner over there with your dunce at
  19. Oh yes the cat got the fish one. I have a dog you may have seen her when I take pics of my bike in the garden Very good guard dog, got a nice meaty bark on her and a nice bite as Ive found out a few times but I was egging her on to bite. Weve now moved on to foxes, Im going to let her loss on one when it next comes in the back yard.
  20. Good old southerns we rule
  21. That first be depends on the persons perspective, looking from within and looking in are two different perspectives with different results. Point about standing for parliment from another person is crap, why both you wont win this country is based on what people want, cheap car travel, taxes etc anything that is radical will never be voted in unleass there is a concensus by all parties then it will come in because everyone agrees. Will that happen no becasue politics is just grown men argueing and being bullies, thats how I see it. Dont belive me watch in tnside the commons programs they arwe slagging each other off hardly professional.
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