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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. I djust go with some montys if not another set ofEcho forks, the older model mind as the new ones are disc only I think, well mine are.
  2. I disagree, ther eis no way magura oil will work in a goodridge hose on a maggie, only water is thin enough to run through the hosing. Thats just an example dont disagree with you in general just certain cases
  3. Not sure there made without steering wheels.
  4. Its going to be lovely tomorra Im there jimbo and me sorted my bike, more him than me. I can ride trials atlast and the bmx is broken so why not
  5. Fingers crossed, hopefing my brake will work once its bled unlike before when it made its way loose.
  6. But then some off us arent amazing riderd and the bash helps out. The law needs changing, if you ride like a twat on the pavelment (hands up i do sometimes but then I know what Im doing) then you deserve it just like shit drivers but if your sesible I think you should be alllowed to ride on the pavements.
  7. My bmx is bust right now so I took it apart and put it in a box. Im very pleased I didnt throw a hissy fit. Ive kicked my bikes in the past and they bloody all ways won.
  8. Not as much as I used to which pleases me. I spent too long on here. When I had my job in the city I came on here once in 2 weeks.
  9. My brother went form a Koxx Levelboss to an Echo mod and hes riding bette than he ever did on a stock, he says he will never go back.
  10. Ive been on a driving range a few times, my techniques a bit poor but I did manage the impossible to brake my driver and send the head 60yards down the range.
  11. No but I have thrown my bikes around many places when they brake, not clever but sorts me out knowing Im taking myanger out on an inanimate object that doesnt feel pain.
  12. Sorry but Id argue that I was riding sensibly and I refuse to ride in the road til the government/council do something aboutt he statew of the roads, get rid of the drivers that shouldnt be driving they know who theyare, old people, boy racers. On another note I think driving while on a mobile should be treated the same as drink driving. Anyway Id argue your case.
  13. Take the issue up at the station see what hey have to say if you refuse to pay. Personaly Id only give a cycist a ticket if their being a jerk on the pavement.
  14. www.mousebreaker.com or co.uk can never remember
  15. Looks like Im not going I cant bleed brakes so oh well.
  16. Out of al theier songs I think a total of 2 are shit, great band.
  17. Dont worry steve your not the only lazy one. I mysrlf need a new olive for my brake but its been 2 weeks now and I cant be bothered so its the bmx again. Jimbo was on about Bristol tis weekend so may do that instead.
  18. Was a good ride today finaly learnt to crank flip. Think I spent more time hitting the floor than riding and now my wrist and nee hurt.
  19. Hey dipstick when you going Ill met you at Ilford along with Matt if hes meting you.
  20. Perfect its great being small
  21. Pansey, Im gonna be there now, got to pop into work during the day to check how much works left.
  22. I bought trialsboy's bmx off him and turned it into this I turned that above bike into this.
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