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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Good lad Im just waiting for my phone cal to say were leaving.
  2. You better be otherwise im not bringing a rim for nothing
  3. Im not riding trials anymore but I still want to come on here to find out what rides are going down so I can ride with people I know.
  4. Falling on your bum is the best way, as its only a muscle and the biggest one.
  5. So you had no part to play in it, ok yep i believe that.
  6. Yep I bulshit sherlock tok along time to work tha out. Atleast I actually ride and dont sit around eating non stop on a ride. Oh and well doneon your amazing plan to drive off on that ride last week, least I wasnt stupid enough to try and folow you, trying tolead me somewhere then leave me. If anything imature then that was enjoy your job in tha shop.
  7. Oh well lifes a bitch isnt it Joe, you should know.
  8. What the hell rocked your boat this morning. I did play for a team when I was younger but then I broke my leg so stopped therefore I was into football a lot. That to hard foryour to undestand r is the coastal air thining your ability to think?
  9. On paper England have one of the strongest sides look at where these players play and what they have won domestically, they are shit. These players never perform like the brazilans or Aregtinans and England have just as strong a side as these two nowa days if not stronger. Anyway I dont really care that much about football now, 5 yearsago yes I was mad about it seeing as I played for a a team to a high level, until my broken leg.
  10. I wont be ridng as i have a slice opened hand
  11. Press ups are to be done slowly I can do 15 proper ones mor eif I rush but I do them slowly. I can do more pull ups on a bar in all variations but then Ive been practising those. I can also do a pull up, drop a bit and hold it at 90degrees then extend fully and then pull up again. Ive started trying with my legs at right angles to my upper boidy and then doing pull ups and its bloody hard
  12. Oh wel good old Ignore button it is
  13. All in favour of a demotion to pre members raise their hands and say 'i' I
  14. Im jut trying to find out my login details for my online account as soon as i have them Im ringing up to findout how long I have left which I think is a month or 2. Ill take it from there.
  15. Think Im going with Orange then. £50 for the phone to buy and then £25 each month for calls and txts, seems nice and simple to me. Id buy on O2 which Im currently with but their charging more and its time for a change.
  16. Time to buy a new phone and I know what Im buying. Nice new W800i but I see a lot of places saying its free with line rental 1/2 price for 6 months. Is line rental the monthly amount I pay for the contract. Like at the moment Im paying £25 a month.
  17. Keeping the oriinal box helps.
  18. He needs the registration number of the car to prove who ran him down to claim
  19. Chin Uups are where its at, can only do 10 of each variation but that will increase as mymuscles increase and get used to it.
  20. I think everythings all done now anyway.
  21. I dont think anyones actually laughing
  23. Ok I will be there now have a few things to sell and money tocollect from people so I might aswell buy a train ticket and stay, I can ride park anyday.
  24. If you have a clear road, nothing infront or coming at you and there are very few cars to obstruct yourview then yes peda down if its a built up area, narrow street with cildren walking then no speedlimit.
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