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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Has any one coem to wonder if god is punishing the Muslims for the terrorist activities? Also the ball is in fondworths court (Futurama) I know I would be calling for Bin Ladens head and everyone else in Al Quada in return of aid, yes they are inocent people but then so are the people killed i nthe bombings. I bet no one agrees with me
  2. I also forgot the most important bit, read my surname how hardcore is that.
  3. I remember MA , their auwful, asked the price of Middleburns and they said something stupid so I pointe dout how cheap they were something about rrp prices my arse, they were charging over rrp. Since then Ive never even looked at their site and thats 2 years ago
  4. oh my god I love the program, some judge got a jalvin throw him, I think it was his foot and theres the guy who got sucke dinto a jet engine.
  5. I have premier I don think I pay any extra
  6. Fniest thing was when we first got her from one of those homes we let her i nthe garden and closed the doorlike we did with the other dog, but she didnt realise and when full pelt into it. From that day she learnt a valuable lesson. Just like my friends learnt, dont knock on the door and come in till weve tld the dog to shut up otherwise she will go for you.
  7. She pelts around in the garden at 100mph (well not literally) in the pitc black yetshe always seems to know where shes going. I ought they only saw in black and wite. Do they use tere sense of smeel or hearing as Id have trodden in the dog shit or bumped into something like the god damm bench.
  8. Just your mucles beeing used a lot, eat your protien and your muscles will grow and get bigger and stronger and be able to deal with more usage.
  9. Im hardcore for many rasons that for the sanity and better of all humanity shall remain un-named. I ride with glasses, no helmet, no gloves, bare back, drunk, stoned, tired and pumped full of shit. And SMO I told you plus 500mm springs on a 4by4 dont work
  10. http://www.freeonlinegames.com/play/205.html See if that works
  11. Im edefo not going my back hurts more than it did yesterday think Ill have to give it a miss, was looking forward to London, havent been therefor a few weeks now
  12. I remember more. Dog died and we burried him in the garden, hes still there to this day, suprised the new dog hasnt dug the bones up yet. Friend I went to school with till year 11 died on april fools day from sniffing glue.
  13. That reminds me I half way through those questions, looking for jobs has taken yup too much time and still nothing.
  14. The day I finished uni, I regret it and want to go back. If I win the lottery Im paying to go back to uni. Cutting my head open Breaking my leg Havin a mtal rod go in my eye (that one hurt) My 21st, lovely lads and ladies at uni were a great lauhg that night/day/morning. Theres more just cantthink of it First roadtrip to Bristol with Jimbo, Tim, Chai, Matt. Broken window, burnt carpet, me with a hole in my head, burning of an expensive chair, pelting Morris with water and toilet paper while stuck in a traffic jam. What went wrong did go wrong.
  15. I had my burnt or iced off cant remeber which. Never had onesince
  16. I told yo all to watch it and yet I didnt,was it realy crap then?
  17. Yes NASS 05 is on the Extreme channel at 4pm, only highlights I expect. I am the bringerof good news and all things nice.
  18. I wanna see them bike flip in mx, Il give the perosn that does it muchos respectos.
  19. Andy Ill see you at Ilford station tmorra my backs ok now. Nick I ll have a look for bolts, though you will be ok with 4 ASLNG AS YOU CHECK THEM EVERY SO OFTEN.
  20. Tis corrct and Im doing mine next year, you need a degree first and then you secialise in a subject, mine would be geography. I will only be teaching primary school if I do teacher. As for homeowrk, I allway brought mine to school and did it in the morning the day it was in, little slap dash here and there, went to un, got a degree so worke dofr me.
  21. G for it Nick, I m just hpng my back ache goes away but Saturday.
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