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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. I wouldnt get one, so tempting to spend money you dont have then your stuffed later in life. Id only get one to bump out me wallet a bit more.
  2. Ok its rainng and will be till Wednesday so my plans to rid eLondon were f**ked up. Anyone want to ride Thrusday as its supposed to be realy nice out and hot. 11 at Shell Centre.
  3. Anyone its half term remember. Oh well BMX get together it is
  4. Nice comment by a father about his son. "You drained your mums tits and you have drrained my wallet."
  5. Didnt realise becasue it was one of the vids that didnt load for me ages back
  6. Tis the season to be jolly, shall keep me entertained for a bit it son now on Channel 5.
  7. Be a fashion whore, buy the ipod then let me know when your battery dies. Damm people are stupid, why buy something that you know will break and Apple will chrage to fix it. People complain baout the iupod batteries but if people are stupid enough to keep buying them then you deserve it. Creative all the way or another make My Zen Mirco has been fine for nearly a year now its been dropped I snapped the headphone cable but thats might fault for chewing it.
  8. Got sent this, it is the Aspire 3 Vid Trailer features Fatmike, Pappas and a few others. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/download....LtTM228AAFLBDIk
  9. I have the vid here, its the aspire 3 video I think. Theres an even bigger 360 or maybe 720 in it I havent checked back on it. msn me and i nthe meantime Ill uplaod it
  10. I may be there, Rom ride was cancelled last night buh humbu so maybe if I find some motivation.
  11. Ive been getting that loads lately. Give it 10mins this topicw ill be locked they dont like MSN topics
  12. Made me laugh, grown man screaming like a gay man
  13. I was going to apply for the police then I read you are not allowed to be invovled in controvesal activities, or something onlong those lines which mean riding trials as it goes against the law in terms of criminal damage.
  14. Just having a little ride and I spot a cop car and let my mate know not to grind the bench, it pulls up onto the pavement and they get out. I just said shall we go they said no so I thought that was a ticket moment. Then they ask use to do some moves even insisiting I grind the bench. Chatted to them for a bit got the message accross that not all bmxers go around beating people up abnd they left. Was amazing was a first. Happy to ride South Woodford more now knowing were not going to get done.
  15. Ill have a word with chai and staples if they go Ill go.
  16. Isnt he quite a trail boss. I heard of him pulling a backflip over a 50foot gap
  17. Is that healthy. That lean mean grilling machine thing is crap hardly any grease comes off the food. Anyway that thing looks unhealthy
  18. But they are everywhere, I have to search to find the bmx topic i need when i have something along the bmx line to say
  19. Seeems like a good idea but Id have maybe <<<BMX Chat>>> - Sticky - Vids - Sticky Bike Pics Then riding topics, tricks and tips, biike tech etc...
  20. Its true, I think its on New World Disorder 5 but I seem to have deleted it from my computer, go check it out, its near the end of the vid. Its the bit where they jump over the Marzocchi truck which they moved for Bender becasue of obvoius reasons.
  21. I should b down there with a few mates riding BMX, come down we can have some fun again.
  22. I think BMX and trials have become a lot closwr recently, each is influencingone nother in the type of bikes coming out, the weight issue thing, moves, everything is crossing over and I think becasue of this BMX should have a small place here.
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