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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Please post it up in this topic I cant stand the fashing shit and al those stupid graphics that turn into words.
  2. Second from lft, no thnaks rest Id have any day
  3. That first bit is crap, o have a look at a lot of the machines and youll notice they have about 4 wires and pulleys so lifting the weight wil work a muscle in a certain way. Lots of puleys mean lots of leverage ratios therefore your in theory not lifting what you think you are. I only use the machines that are a simple up and down movement and require just 1 bit of wire, oh and freeweights. My advise go try t out, if you dont like it dont force yourself to do it. I go to the gym 3 times a week becsue I enjoy an hour or so every so often. I use the gym to build my upper body and ride to keep me fit, oh I do other sports aswell for fitness. Key is dont make it a chore because then it will become crap and dont over do it, too much of one thing can be bad for you and boring in the end.
  4. At a guess, Im too lazy to goole it, but isnt it lifting weight at small reps in a rapid motion.
  5. When Im next down the pub Ill film the drunk 50 year old men dancing to rock music.
  6. Same thiunghere but I hold when I go back up for 5 secs.
  7. Anyone ever tried the crusaphix (sp) position. Iv eonly every managed 10kg on each arm. The mat eim on about is on some many pills and shit its hard to tell what he takes. Im ordering in some protein powder soon as Im sick of eating fish.
  8. Its a posh gym, only one around here. Im over 21as well so they think I can afford more when I cant. 5 times a week is over the top isnt it unless your doing one muscle gruop a day. yes he was, pusing up in the lieing down posiion uses the muscles more
  9. Get one of those giant ball things, not sure therename but they are very good apparently. Also holdinga sit up or chin up n the stress position will also build muscle. I dont do chin ups any more I jsut go up do my ares are bent and holdit foraslong as possible then repeat.
  10. Where refering to the topic that got closed. As I said that machine is crap dont use it unless you set the weight to someting like 80kg rember itsmore like 40kg with all the leverage and ratios. I reckon 16 is a good age to start but do ight weights and dont over do it as your body is still developing and over doing it will most likely damage your growth. By 18 you should be ready to up the anti. My gym is £40 a month but I have unlimited access day and night, I just go 3 times a week and it pays for its self. You can get student membership which is stupidly cheap but you have to prove your age.
  11. Rowing macines are were its at, total CV work out and possible to bud a bit of mucles maybe more a toning thing. For chin ups try putting a weight between your legs, dont over do it 5 kg at first is plenty, you will notics the difference.
  12. Eating correctly is also crucila without that no matter how much you do you will jsut toneyourmuscles not increase their size. I ve been neglecting my eating lately I shall get backinto it. Yeah I know about the ting you hang off, I use it for abs its jsut I havent being do much abs lately. I will eventually get back to abs nd I will be adding weight to my legs for it. Just read the res tof the post, yep with have the benchs aswell. I use those aswell. I have 2 abs each side and the bottom ones are jsut flab, must be the beer.
  13. Perfectly true but for me the gym was about bulking up in general and stregthening all my muscles to prevent injuries. So far Im achieving what I want Ive put on half a stone in 2 months going from 9.5 to 10 stone. My upper body is a ot beefier and my muscles more defined. My leags are fine football and riding builds those up just nicely. I still need to work more of abs. Thats what Im on about. Those machines are inaccurate as they rely on lots of pulleys creating leverage ratios. Setting 10 is 67kg and in reality its more like 40kg possibly less. As I said freweights you know what your lifting. Id love to bench 80kg on the bench but my goal is 50kg3 sets of 10 within the next 3months. 0kg is seriously heavy, mymate is 6 foot plus built like a shit brick house and he struggles with 80kg.
  14. Joe there is no way you can do 30 reps of 50/60kg. Ive been going to the gym for 2 months now and I can only press 37.5 consistantly, ie do 3 sets of 10 and that is a push sometimes. I advise you stay away from the machines as most of them are crap and represent an inaccurate meassuremnt of the weight you are lifting. I was using the bench press machine that you sit upright on and push your arms away and infront from your body. I was doing 67kg and there is no way that accurate becasue Id be able to do it lying doing bench pressing. Stick to free weights.
  15. I asume a stack is the machine that replicate dbenching. You sit upright in it and push your arms out straight infront of you. If so they are crap, they use about 5 different pulleys which act as leverage. Youll find, well on the machiones we have setting 10 is 67kg and I can do it find but on free weights i cant. Dont use the machines unless they have just one pulley and dont create any leverage ratios. Freeweights is what you want to do and what you lift in freeweight is the real deal. BUTT OUT
  16. My chest hasnt got much bigger my arms are much bigger which has please dme loads. Ive put on weight aswel wich is the best bit. May aim to to be able to max out a few of the weight machines in 4 months time and maybe be benching 75 but defo benching 50 with ease.
  17. Its true though body builders are very weak after they have competed. I can press 60kg but Im not sure it counts are it was only 3 reps. Im fine with 50kg 3 sets of 10.
  18. I just sat and watched as our supply maths teacher got beaten with a metre rule. This was erm 7 years ago, damm Im getting on.
  19. This is no different to the angry thread so why is this allowed to carry on and mine not
  20. Id rather watch fifth gear than not watc ha car programme. yes top gear is the best its so funny.
  21. Cringe worthy is all I have to say o nthe matter.
  22. I lost my glasses when I was typing that
  23. All I can say is according to a certain map Walse doesn't exist and therefore there are no hills that you speak of. I therefore declare myslef the winner of all that is worthy of myslef. No comments regarding that last comment.
  24. I wonder now what could that be. Pixie juice I guess. :- :P
  25. Can we have a topic that we can bitch off and vent out anger in, something that takes the angry thread a bit further? More like something were we can be random as we like to everyone in a friendly spirit. SOmewhere where all the craziness can go.
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