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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Michael Hardman


    Woolworths Pound shop TKMax Primark Mataslan Any of those places shiuld do them for a £1
  2. I lied about my weight after Dan said the weighing machine wasnt calibrated properly. Im 10 stone bang on.
  3. I do flies, didnt realise that was what they were till I heard someone say it today. I dont 3 sets of 10 at 20kg. I thought they would work my chest/shoulder area more so I couldf look wider at the top. I was having a go at 70kg on the bench today and some guy there was impressed that I manged 5 reps, was my last set of 3 so I uped it for that. Something to do with my body weight being 60kg. I coulsnt do 3 sets of 10 at that weight I know that for a fact but its my next goal now.
  4. Feel for it you choose you, which is infact me from your point of view. :S
  5. me or you Beware Porter could be Ginger Id Like to f**k
  6. I had 4000 pics to choose from and that one stuck along with one other but this looks more appealing and it can be eaily extended onto my back and down my arm. Ill give ita few more weeks and if it still sticks im off to get it done. I heard from Dan that for colour and own design its £60 an hour from the guy who did his so souldnt be more than 2ours work, the design is pretty simple when blown up a bit.
  7. Sorry that was joke as in a lauh al the way troughout, only the Japs can think of things like that and also joke as in it was crap in terms of there wasnt really a storyline, or a developed one, just last onestanding in the game wins.
  8. RyanIve jsut been doing as many situps as possible without a weight then found out a large folder full of paper is about 1-2 kg so I have been using that as of today. Does that seem ok. Im going to post apic later
  9. I do voluntary work in a school to gain experiance for my teacher training (PGCE) prograd course next year, if I get in. As soon as my police check clears I ave a part time job working with autistic children down the road wen the need cover that will be interesting and rewarding. The rule in Sainsburys was you ar enot allowed to serve acholic products if you ar eunder the age of 18, you need someone wo is 18 or over to supervise you when you put the goods through the till.
  10. By benching your only body weight, do you mean 1 rep or 10 reps or 3 sets of 10 at that weight. Im on 3 sets of 10 with 40kg nowIm about 55kg body weight, I can bench 55kg maybe 3 reps but thats it.
  11. halloween, first and scariest movie ive seen nothing has come close yet saw2 - not scarier just gory the excorist - was that a joke, I found it funny one of the evil dead or dawn of the dead movies, wel in that series was in a shopping mal thats a comedy not a horror movie. halloween number 3 i think with the masks, thats scary but more gory. most of the realy old x files are scary as shit in particular theone with the fishig hook and 2st person persective of stabing yourself with a knife. battle royal - was just a joke the ring (original) great film had to concentrate on the subtitles but generally very scary poltegyiest - whatever one, prob he first one was scary
  12. £1700 for insurance is damm good on a car like that especiall for a 21year old. My brother had a plan, fueled by me but Im not sure hes going ahead with it now. His plan to spend 7k on a new car and insurnce, which was a impreza turbo and insurnace. 4k for the car and 3k for insurance. Hes 19 with 1 years no claims
  13. Heres the link to the picture. http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisplay.php?product=18538
  14. Im a maybe, depends n weather and if my bike stays together much lnger as its very broken.
  15. I am making sure I eat properlyjust before I go to the gym and after. That thing about after a year at the gym I can deal with by then I hope to have bulked up enough to be happy and then Ill be happy. Im not looking to become super big just bigger than I am now, bit braoder in the upper body, more defined muscles then Ill lay off and ease up a bit.
  16. I ad a beasty idea, I have a collection of some 4,000 cards with some amazing artwork on so I decided to look through them and came up with a few coices. I think Ive decided on this and it leaves room for extending it from boththe tenticles as theysuddenly end in this pic.
  17. I had a good day today, concentrating on broading my shoulder area, my chest area is fine now, dont want to over do it ans look a funny shape. Im weighing in at 10 stone 5lbs now so thats close to a stone added, say its water retention I dont care, its still a considerable increase for me the person that never gianed weight i nthe past (*before the gym) Ive been folowing the guide for hard gainers, need to have another look at it now to see where to go next.
  18. Boy racer my arse, its got a 2litre engine yes? A boy racer gets a shitty 1.2 and does it up so it sounds fast but has no performance, just show. Good choice of car, I dare you to add a bit more umth.
  19. Im almost to the point of getting a tatoo, just need some more cash and opnce I decide my arm has bulked up enough I get one. I want to wait becasue if my arm gets bigger with a tatoo already on it, it will stretch and be ruined.
  20. Im a wee lad. Any way gymnatics is crazy was going there with jimbo for about 2 months as hes into his break dancing. All I could do was front fli, and double leg but it was fun. Some of the guys there has too much upper body strength
  21. Well if your body just gets used to a certain workout for abs, you just as some weight, take a 5kg weight and put it on your chest and now do sits ups, its a lot harder. Thats my appraoch to chin ups now, start with just pulling myself up then I add 5 kg and thats fine for me.
  22. Listen to really really loaud music all day and night for 7 days then youll either be death or hear a ringing noise, either way your hub wil now be silent
  23. Some frames are bastards. If a hammer doesnt work I sugest a full on sledge hammer, worked for me and I will add I put in my king headset with a sledge hammer.
  24. Very true becasue if I did have a cut thenId have to have AIDs alreadyand seeing as I dont I cant catch it that way canI.
  25. See Im quite lucky, I dont drink much , maybe once a week, I dont eat a lot of shit anymore. I concentrate on packing loads of carbs in and then protein after any workout. I dont smoke, dont so drugs. Ive been keeping this up for 2months and a bit now and thats an achievement for me so I will not be stopping anytime soon. I find swiming hard, Im nott he best and Ineve rliked it becasue I had to wear my glasses when swimming and going under the water is hard with glasses on. I doubt I could even do a width now, I havent been swimming for 10 years. Iconcentrating on stomach and back now, starting with 500 metres of rowing machine and finsihing with 1000 of rowing machine as my warm up and down as well as a bit of cardio.
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