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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Person you pay for sex you dum American. :lol: :D Is t true girls ike the English accent.
  2. The governments gone too far on some things and not far enough on others. Guess what they have gone too far on the things that dont matter.
  3. Haha. I dont know why I put mum and dad in the same sentence there, mine are split to but I see my dad neary everyday. So mum its phones for house and my dad prob something fro his motorbike to work on, seeing as hes no banned form driving.
  4. Set of cordless phones, the house ones are broke and they always moan about them.
  5. Yes I do, for crimes against humanity and the english language.
  6. What do footballers actually do, other than play football, same with most rich and famous people. We could easily live without them. Dont give me the cock and bull about charity work, very few celebs do it out of pure generosity, merely too look good i nthe media. There ar eordinary peop[le out there, doing ordinarly jobs that have helped society more than Mr Best.
  7. Im sure if there werent so many bellend drivers out there motorways would be a safer place and would ahve no speed limit on, but there are twats that shouldnt be driving and then theres the stupidity of the brits, you know, road works and stuff.
  8. I still look 16 hehe, must age well I guess. Fricking id at pubs is so embrassing.
  9. Frosty Flips Damm this is fun, like the BMX Backflps but better. See wo can do my most flips, s far Ive managed 2095degrees.
  10. Everyone moaned at me when I complained I felt old when I turned 21 bastards.
  11. Whats wrong with that. Its cold, its a Sunday, I have no money, I could go to the gym, I cold ride bmx locally. Ride doesnt start till 12 and Id be home before it gets dark as Im not riding through Ilford (where I have to get off) and get bum raped, mugged, shoot, knifed. Its a shit hole.
  12. I now ride bmx and I dont slate trials riders, I jsut find trials boring compared to bmx but thats it.
  13. Youll be suprised how much £20 can get you in food from a supermarket. Oh and get your main booze from supermarkets and get wasted before you hit the clubs, student union etc... Photcopying and late books returned to library cost a lot good thing was I only discovered the library in my final year. Dont study in a strange place, I did with some friends and we got locke din over night. Dont sign up for every single society or club. Dont trash your acomadation with your friends like I did or with your bike like I did, I ended up paying them a lot in repairs. Have fun, go out, met people, experiment you wont get another chance. Im missing uni now.
  14. So what if he was a great footballer, what has he contributed to the world, probably not much. A worthwiid job is something like a policeman/women, teacher, doctor, someone that does something that contributes to the progression of society. Lawyer area joke they have to defent someone they know is guitly and get paid for it, thats not justice thats just their egos saying ummm money for nothing.
  15. Yes it is, does anyone respect my dead dog billy, he loved me, he always slept on my bed, I always had to take him for a walk, feed him etc.. as he wouldnt let anyone else. Hes even buired in the garden.
  16. Hes comitted a crime, its caled, aking a organ thatcould ahve been used to save someone elses live that wanted live.
  17. Shame he dies but he brought it about himself so I cant care less.
  18. People should atleast be thankful that there are some people ou there that care. Excuss my typing Im doing it with two airs of gloves on.
  19. I lost the will to ride trials this summer, bought a bmx and havent looked back. No doubt Ill get bored of that in a few years and Ill change for something else.
  20. Now then thatsa winner, spliting it down into for sale and wanted is cool
  21. Tried everything. Gel is easy to wash out. Wax is for tips Hairspray is where its at, wet your hair, style and spray on the stuff, style again.
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