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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Give me til Monday Ill go round mates and take a link from his spare shadow chain and post t.
  2. Seeing as its a halflink chain it will stretch just like the Shadow. I bet there both the same thing, made in the same factory. Geta KMC/Lopphole or KHE chain and a half link problems sorted.
  3. Bit nippy round the mid drift area.
  4. Heres mine.... Its camoflauged hehe, it ad to be done.
  5. I used snail cams in the and if not you have to cut the tensioners up to fit.
  6. You emailed ebay or the person, either way they both sound stupid as dog shit.
  7. I held down a job throughout uni and I came iout i nthe black.
  8. I used to sweer by my goldfinger, to get it to work use soft springs, no tension on the brake and grease the f**k out of it combine with some good pads you cant go wrong.
  9. I suggest you take another course that might have some relevance to your future career. I dont see the point in doing Sports whatever it is if you dont opaln to go into the sporting area.
  10. I might have a spare one I can post off, Ill check when I get abck form work at 1.
  11. It was used as an examplke of how not to manage your money. I yook my student loans and put them into an isa now Im 20k to the good and ill pay some of it back at a time but i have the money for a desposit on a house, clever thinking and planning for the future I call it.
  12. Lol thats what my rents said. My spelling is fine its just when Im at a computer I get very lazy
  13. Neither could that bike but then again a quick blast of the throtle and you may be able to spin yourself round.
  14. To be a teacher, which is a professional job may I add you need a degree and preferably in a subject related to school, so geography, history, maths, english etc... Then you take a PGCE like myself and become qualified. If you do anything higher that Foundation/Key Stage one then you specialise in a subject like P.E. Teaching is a great job I get to put something back into the community, knowing Ive contributed to the future of this world. I choose my degree because I knew it would cover everything form politics to history to culture to economics and I really injoyed it I wanted to go into transport consultancy but then decided it was going to be a boring 9-5 job. Teaching is going to to be fun, challenging and different everyday.
  15. www.pijin.co.uk Ill be placing an order there soon
  16. I only heard about it through a friend, if its true then Im paying the minimun every month. Brngs up the pension issue as well. The government expect us to save but how can we if we have an instant 9k debt ove rour heads, a morgage to payits stupid. Lets kill all the old people and create a less dependant society.
  17. Then I cant buy a house as Im not allowed a morgage.
  18. Hey presto evolution prevails its the 'cowbra' BMX. I Bongo before you say I copied I stil lthought you had a completely pink BMX.
  19. Take out a student lan becasue apparently when you have a job and earning more than 15k you pay back 7% of your monthly wage every month. You will never pay it all back by the time you retire and by then the government scrap what you owed. Im folowing that plan. I had a job and managed to survvive on the money, so I saved my stundent loans and was also able to put other money aside. Now Im going back to uni the government give me 6k to do the course and Im living at home. All I have to pay for is travel and I can get 30% off that. All in all Ill be 20k+ up and thats my deposit on a flat or house sorted.
  20. Manage your money youll thank me some day for that advise. I know people that ran up £20,000 plus debts.
  21. I did my work after the lecture. There are times, like my dissertation which I did all hours of the day even till 4 in the morning but it was worth it. The sensible thing is work 9-5 or whever your lectures start and then go out around 7. I wasnt part of any societies, I played football with my mates every wednesday and went riding most days. I really wish I was back at uni to dose but now Im going back to actually work hard, or so Im told by people doing teacher training. Its one of those courses that you have to work non stop for but Im going to prove that theory wrong.
  22. Being the lucky git I am my uni life was as follows. 1st year - 12 hours of lectures 2nd year 10 ours of lectures and seminars which I didnt got to 3rd year - 6 hours of lectures and seminars which I didnt go to and only really did 3 hours of lectures as I went home early to work. I didnt go to the library until the 2nd year and then it was only to find some reading for essays. I went out more in the 3rd year than any other year. I spent way too mcuh more of going out but it was worth it. I came out with a good 2:2 and now Im going back to uni for another year. Uni is a big dose A levels are the hardest you will ever work.
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