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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Thats an impressive construction. I had ago and I got a load of rubbish. Sent this Got this
  2. Im not goiong my bike doesnt feel like its gonna last a ride, I need to get it fixed which is expensive and Im not breaking ym bike in London and walking home.
  3. Im rollling around on the floor. Any news Im not reading through this dribble again to find out.
  4. Pencil pusher means homosexual.
  5. I think Im going, had a bust up with my rear wheel it wont stay in place so Ive thrown my bike in the garage and dont care about it. If I come Ill see you at Liverpool Streey for 10 you meeting by Maccy D.
  6. I learnt a new slang word form an Ian Dury/Bury song so going to put it to good effect. OP - Pencil pusher......
  7. Tom's a turb better sell your self on Ebay, if your good shit you may fetch as much as this stuff. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rotting-Horse-Manure...1QQcmdZViewItem
  8. A useful contribution by myself, but one word comes to mind. OWNED Ive prbably overstepped the mark there.
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rotting-Horse-Manure...1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. I dont car eif its old its great. Petting Zoo
  11. Not bad at all bit slow for my liking but I listened and liked.
  12. Spanking good weather I can ride topless again. Rid eon, I expect birthday presents, no bumps.
  13. Ive gone from being partially sighted to blind.
  14. What are yours. I was in school today and the kids running around sparked something in my brain. I can only remeber as far back to when I was 4 and in recpetion class, I was nauighty and started drawing on the floor, then I went to heads office and dit eh same. I even remember in year 2 thinking why am I being such a pain and I bucked up my ideas from then till year 6 when it went downhill again. I cant remember anything before that.
  15. Brothers the plumber Im the one whos going to get the professional job.
  16. Im no longer jobless, was for 6 months now Im temping as supply for schools, f**king amazing pay but everythings short notice. Like today phonecall at 12.30 can you work here at 1 yes off I go, half a day looking after 1 child becasue he has a problem, playing games and helping him take part in lessons, £30 easy money. Was roughly 30mins work rest was just sitting there watching him. Steady supply of it aswell.
  17. The US one is funny and the Burkina one is wrong I thought it was China that killed there children if they werent a boy. hey see women as pointless therefore ki them after birth. Lets all ahvea go at this then the Israeli flag would be to obvious, same as the Pakistan and Iraq one, Jamica is possible
  18. You should get a copy of the police interviews or a signed statement from them report it to Ebay and get the f**ker banned. Aso try see if you can get them for fraud, false advertisement, cash by deception something olong those lines, becasue they have the intention to sel the bike.
  19. Sorry but it puts me to sleep aone with music in the background.
  20. He did die, well thats what I heard.
  21. http://ebaumsworld.com/2006/01/aholeskateboarder.html Found it this was around on bmx forum a while back damm sick
  22. Try this one my eyes are still watering from laughter http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/myspaceprank.html I wasnt moaning I found it hilarious andI needed it to make my pun work
  23. Thats older than time itself but still hits the spot (pun intended)
  24. Im a dick, Im not going out this Sunday so I can ride Ill be there aslong as its dry and above 8 degrees out.
  25. Bring the other Adrian along that owes me money as Im going to pound his face with my hammer.
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