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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. Yeah I need to go on one. We had our own MBUK one that was fun, I heard there was a traffic anoucement becasue of us, over 100 I think. Id so love critical mass
  2. Some interesting sexual positions presented there
  3. Hha I wouldnt believe that Bush's IQ must be around the minus 1000 mark more belieable is this one. 911 The total of the entire population of Americas IQ or There are 911 people in America that are no obess.
  4. Lots of people dialed 911 haha Im so stupid America is 911 trillion billion million metres from Afganistan. Is that one believable.
  5. Im worried baout my bars Ill decide tomorra.
  6. Its good news my bars dont seem to be crushed, another ride later will sort everything out so Im still coming asof now.
  7. Uno problemo, my stem seems to have done what people told me it would do and crush my bars, I hear a creakin gnoise when I rde and when I tightened it up, Ive been out riding it seems ok now fingers crossed.
  8. Haha and in my world I could and would, all these stupid laws stopping my ideas becoming reality. Oh cars and taxis and stuff stopping in the bike stops area at trafic lights, pisses me off, I jsut cut infront and stop infront of them and take an age to go when the lights turn green.
  9. Field day time for Mr Hardman Where do I start. There is not enough continuity between central goverment and local government polices of sustainable and intergrated transport. The way the government is structured means unless local government policies reflect that of central government funding to implement these polieces will be very hard. Local governments need to be given more power to do what they want. Too much talk about green issues not enough action, Mr Blair put your money where your mouth is you guliable, George Bush sucking twat. Transport policeis are stuck in the past, its all about predict and provide, the majority of transport funds are spent on the roads when the government is trying to discourage the private car. Biggest contridiction Ive ever seen. Whats the point of cycle lanes when cars can park in them, yes if a cycle lane has a broken white lane cars can park in it, I got caustion for hitting a car in a bike lane on purpose. Bikes on trains - health and safety issue, so why are fat people, prams and luggage not a problem. Im tired and hands hurt.
  10. I meant to say for anyone thats coming to Liverpool Street, whopppy.
  11. Right Im coming my backs so healed now and Ive found a love for riding again. Im riding my spot at Liverpool street and Im dragging you lot with
  12. Still a beast to servive the toxic waters of the Thames, Imsurpirsed it hasnt died of being poinsend by something i nthe river
  13. What the hell happened, he f**ked up the hop at the start but he had the speed toclear thattinny gap
  14. My pulled muscle seems to have healed, Im just not liking the cold weather, shame it couldnt be today its so warm out now. If I did come could we all go toa little spot by Liverpool street, not the usually one me and Andy know another one.
  15. Ive pulled a muscle in my back/neck this week and I rea dup on it. All I understood was, rest, ice, elevate and compress so I did and Im almost healed.
  16. Michael Hardman


    Ive missed them all this due to having to get up early the next day but Im watching this one. I want to know why we cant live forever, I have a rough idea.
  17. Its still on I think, might be lat enights or early i nthe morning like 2-4am.
  18. Hey wasnbt there a soap on channel 5 ages back called SUnset Beach, that was insanely weired but there were plenty of hotties.
  19. Nope I got stopped and questioned by the police there for some reason.
  20. And also daughter looks similar to Sam Mitchell.
  21. Wasnt there another guy involved or seen there. Watch it tonight at 5.35
  22. Its a low budget crash done very quickly to wipe out the cast.
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