Field day time for Mr Hardman Where do I start. There is not enough continuity between central goverment and local government polices of sustainable and intergrated transport. The way the government is structured means unless local government policies reflect that of central government funding to implement these polieces will be very hard. Local governments need to be given more power to do what they want. Too much talk about green issues not enough action, Mr Blair put your money where your mouth is you guliable, George Bush sucking twat. Transport policeis are stuck in the past, its all about predict and provide, the majority of transport funds are spent on the roads when the government is trying to discourage the private car. Biggest contridiction Ive ever seen. Whats the point of cycle lanes when cars can park in them, yes if a cycle lane has a broken white lane cars can park in it, I got caustion for hitting a car in a bike lane on purpose. Bikes on trains - health and safety issue, so why are fat people, prams and luggage not a problem. Im tired and hands hurt.