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Michael Hardman

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Everything posted by Michael Hardman

  1. My tenners gone with my bro to the dogs, comne on lucky number 4
  2. I was on the front page of there website for the first MBUKI London ride. The pics of me jumping the Embankment bridge in the poring rain on metal stairs. Luke Edwards been in the mag
  3. Going to sign up online and buy me a few in a min
  4. Never had a policy on school uniform at my old primary school, then 7 years of uniform hell in Secondary school, then the bliss of wearing the werid and wonderful at uni.
  5. Putting daddy long legs under girls books We played rundouts and foot cricket then there was kiss chase in year 6, damm those tunnels were a great playground toy. Cant forget fence junmping and conkers.
  6. I didnt mean it like that. I was really refering to say someone robbing your house and you go and stab them while their on your property stealing your stuff. They end up gettign away with it and the inocent house owner gets jailed for GBH.
  7. Im not a fan of alarm clocks, they ruin my dreams and make them go all funny. Im lucky that if I have to be up by a certain time I just have to go to bed and think about it and I get up on time without an alarm. Just lucky I guess.
  8. I still think the most important issue here is that motoring affences need to be redifined and brought up-to-date. Specifically if you kill someone either by running them over or another perosn in a car or your car through dangerous driving. I see that as being classed as manslaughter. Though running someone over purposely should be treated as murder. Its hard seeing as we live in a society where the criminal has more rights than the victim. Motorways are dangerous becasue there are so many ejits that cant use them properly. Lefthand lane all the time, moving out if you need to overtake.
  9. Thats its dam hard, I suppose using the arrow keys mkes it hard to brake smoothly.
  10. Yeah now ask my brother about plumbing if you wantone answer
  11. Oh so I post shit topics. Try being a bit more specific you might start something
  12. Michael Hardman


    Big boy Joe dissing out the typed verbal Was this my shit post, no dont think so and yes I think hes poste dhis fair amount of crap. Does my brother even care you bought the bike, I dont think, its not the end of the world, but iof you want to collect bikes then be my guest I wont loss any sleep over it.
  13. Michael Hardman


    Does Bongo still ride trials? No Why do you spend all your money on bikes youve had too many to count in a short period of time, be happy with one bike anf you f**k off.
  14. We should form a partnership, you can count I cant spell well go a long way
  15. Michael Hardman


    Kate Moss is like most other celbs, they have to much money and spend it on drugs to solve their depressing lives. Give it to the needy, mememememememeeeeeeeeee I aim to cause arguements through my unique form of comical idiocy.
  16. Michael Hardman


    chavs black ganstas indian/hindu you know what I mean ganstas (there the worsest) islamic terrorists goth stoner heads drunks Must cover about 99% of the human population, who isnt a danger to someone else, by my calcuations about 1%
  17. Little sad doint you think if you wannna see some pay for it there called strippers.
  18. Only in America do they take that sort of thing seriously
  19. Looks more like a street running/break dancing session in the gym to me, Ive been to a few and its the sorter thing that goes down. 2.15 thats hard seriously hard
  20. Haha so you be needing my tools then? I got bored when everyone meet at Southbank and I rode home bored, tired and didnt like the big group. Did learn a few new things so Im happy.
  21. Oh great we could go to the spot im on about. Theres a wall I want to do and for you ot theres ledges and stuff all marble of course.
  22. Right Im not rissking it I dotn want to end up with a bar in my body.
  23. You mean account number. Its at the bottom of the card it says A/c then theres an 8 digit number
  24. Lots of cyclists ride in London on a Friday and block up everything.
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