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Everything posted by Cap

  1. Them pics are ace bucky (Y) pity the origonal catalogue poses were lost :sleeping:
  2. local boys minus 3 at least (Y)
  3. if u can ride ur jump bike u can get to work u lazy b*stard!!! i wont be able to ride only days off are thurs and sun :shifty:
  4. they just keep offering you stuff on top of your kebab, all we could do was say yes :P, kev payed for it though by getting everyones remains, top job :P Them 3 birds in portsmouth was it? kevs responses were class. Never mind the guard cows how could you forget kennys "catalogue pose" when he ran in with all them tourists trying to get a group photo :D. Kev maybe the master of catalogue poses but kenny got best application of a catalogue pose on the roadtrip :)
  5. they will get you keep ur eyes open, altho if you see one its already too late. how much did everone have to drink that night btw? :D"
  6. Cap

    Select Bikes

    I enjoyed that vid and its not because im "northern and have to bum him" (Y), music was class and im loving the sidehop over rails. Keep up the good riding and ill look forward to seeing your next video. :) Worth the download :huh: Cheers Cap.
  7. friday: first of all we tried to ride hookwoods? or summat but that didnt work we went to sum lil town with bugger all trials so we floord it to stoke as it was on the way home :huh:
  8. we were offerd to ride a demo on sat so kinda had to cut roadtrip short. kenny might be a legend but he still owes me a lolly the fleecing b*stard! MEEEEEEH!
  9. this has to be the best pic of the raodtrip (Y) well done bucky on jumping into everybit of water we passed except manchester for sumreason.
  10. Cap

    Bucky porthcawl

    he likes water doesn't he
  11. i think all thats left to say it nice work from everyone thast participated and.......... MEEEEEEEEEH G*NGBANG CAMPSITE!
  12. yer i wanna see the vid now (Y) manchester was beasty despite the lack of stuff to ride at the demo lol
  13. MEEEEEH! Roadtrip was immense :P, everyone that went was sound :P...well except for that dodgy scottish geezer with the beard and the tatoo's :D (kenny) some ace riding from all that went, the leeds lot missed out on stoke though that was a good ride even if it was only short :P cant wait to see the video :D GBYB 05! Cap
  14. ur just not made for rocks rossi :deej: just come porthcawl tomoz :bunny: i can tell u want too.
  15. Woooooooo ROADTRIP! ill see most of you lovely ladies in Porthcawl tomorrow. :bunny:
  16. wouldnt suprise me with him :(
  17. what he means is get ur 12 and a half stone fat ass on this roadtrip :D
  18. out of interest who's doing full roadtrip beisdes tim's lot, stan, chris and me? :(
  19. not good enough get it all done, ride from location to location if you have to :blink: And rossi u better not dip!
  20. ok rossi me chris and stan :P just get the time off work and come! you know it makes sense.
  21. Cap

    Video From Leeds

    Some nice riding :shifty: and rossi is a bit past chubby if you ask me :P"
  22. maybe thats the answer? :D Nice vid kyle :-
  23. Cap

    New Video

    nice vid with some lovly drops and the tunage wasnt bad :(, take it your loving the rex then? Cap
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