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Everything posted by Cap

  1. You my friend are doing it incorrectly! Seriously though that is pretty special managing that!
  2. Probably not what you want to hear....pump that piston out first when the system is full of fluid, making sure the bore cap side is being held into place .
  3. I wouldnt. Can you not just sand the pads and bed them in again? How come they need cleaning?
  4. Didn't think I would enjoy this when it first started but I did. Agreed that line got my attention Good shiz! Cap
  5. Thats stans new name at work then!
  6. I call mine "stupid bike" because it is all the bikes fault when I can not do something.
  7. You made the better choice then
  8. Great vid Carl, you seem to be getting on well with that bike to say you have not had it so long. Well shot, good editing and some beasty riding
  9. I wasn't a big fan of the music but it went well with the riding and I loved the 270 off the rail.
  10. Cap

    Pads Breaking

    CNC backings all the way
  11. lol wouldnt say that

  12. I missed this but was told about it, couldn't believe the gap you got through!
  13. I had a rubber queen on, it rubbed until the chain stretched.
  14. The echo brakes take a long time to bed in, just keep riding it and dont mess with it
  15. I didn't lube mine for months, the only time I did spray it with gt85 was after I had submerged my bike in water. Not had a skip from it yet.
  16. I used to grind my rim like an animal so mine did not work so well unless mark ground my rim (he has the special touch) Indeed I am and loving it. The trialtechs would take some "slight" modification to get them to fit in the tnn backings but they do work so well in them.
  17. link was wrong but I have fixed it for u http://www.scott-wilson.co.uk/
  18. Riding was pretty good! Loved the sidehop the rail then ride down it.
  19. It's already been made Video thread
  20. So was I, I just went round and underneath for a better view Wasa cracking event yet again!
  21. Cap


    Great vid, was well edited and didn't seem that long when watching it, great standard of riding by everyone and it looked fun to film!
  22. Some good riding there! Just one thing though...your chain looks a little slack? Nice lines either way
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