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Everything posted by FreeKihl

  1. Copy shortcut, paste in new browser, remove "http://" from the link. Then allow your mediaplayer to open the file. Not much to watch though...
  2. You are getting better very fast. How's the new bike feeling?
  3. What booster is that? Looking good there.
  4. CLS replica? Really liked that vid, a tad short though.
  5. Very nice vid. as said earlier, vids without music can work pretty good.
  6. FreeKihl

    Two Ali C Vids

    What's that post-it note doing in your front wheel?
  7. The '06-'07 Monty 221 is by far the best looking mod bike, period.
  8. Word Really liked the vid. Also, that bike looks really good, much better than the redish one. Keep it up!
  9. plagiat? I really liked it, massive riding, good allround riding.
  10. Are you really sure about that? Very nice pic's! No doubt Monty got the best design team. That frame is just so sexy....
  11. Really nice, quality pics! Perfect light.
  12. FreeKihl


    This video must be one of the most beautiful ever posted. I've uploaded it onto tv.isg: CLS_the_end.mpg
  13. Powerful riding as always, enjoyed watching this one.
  14. I really liked that video. Very good.
  15. Nice editing, awesome riding, always nice to watch you guys. I personally liked the music, what group/artist is that? Is it just me, or does the 221 '06 look better than the '07?
  16. some very nice, smooth and controlled riding there!
  17. "The bail with my ankle brake was from 2005"
  18. FreeKihl

    Third Time Lucky

    Some really nice riding there. Those tracks looked really tricky.
  19. You just gotta love the forks on the old Monty's. Had one of those back then too.
  20. Massive video, best TRA I've seen. Heia Norge!
  21. Luckily, you used a helmet, could have gone much worse. I hope you'll get back riding soon.
  22. Nice and smooth, controlled riding, music okay. Thumbs up!
  23. FreeKihl

    Afterwork Vid :)

    Nice vid there neighbour Great skills for 6 month riding.
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