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Yorkshire Dale

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Dale

  1. sum of the best 360's iv ever witnessed EPIC!!!
  2. its getting into positions like that that makes bananas look straight! if i got like that i would stay that way forever
  3. least he is keeping in high spirits bout it the actual trials riding was wicked! get well soon me old crusty bap x
  4. http://www.mailorderbikes.com/products.php?plid=m5b591s222p2528&rs=gb =WIN never need to buy another pair ever, they jus last
  5. i would gladly have sex with u in every position for that frame! i love ot that much!
  6. I once did a gap from a bin to a bench and a chav shouted "Aww D##k head, defying gravity and s##t" best heckle iv ever had
  7. stop worrying bout the weight and just go out and ride it looks immense
  8. yea i no its a deoderant can!! i was having a laugh, dont take you self too seriosly!
  9. what forks are the matey? look like bmx forks haha
  10. billy me old fruit, nice pics man. need to ride soon, its bin time man
  11. no, im from yorkshire, its how we say "yourself/ur sen" u clever arse!!!!
  12. ~~Im Runnig em front and rea and they = WIN! never had a better brake setup
  13. Ur one of the only mod riders i can actually watch wivout getting bored! Fancy a bum? Hahahaha
  14. if its bothering u then stop reading it quagmire!! Sort you sen out!
  15. so no-one is botherd bout what i said? i jus want people to get along!!
  16. Where's the love guys? anyone fancy a bum? Iv been riding trials for 12 years and iv competed in the past and enjoyed it. never got me anywhere but i made lots of friends through it. i ride trials but dont class myself as a trials rider because its not a full time job. im a technician really as for ali c yea he is paid to ride trials so yea he is a trials rider as is danny mac its still trials even if there is spins and tricks in his riding and everyone on this forum im sure rides trials. i see both side of the story here and i agree with points form both but as for the fighting talk is all rubbish i am not a trials rider, i ride trials and love doing it, Peace out homies, Dale xxxxx
  17. please stop wearing tights while riding!
  18. yea but no1 is gonna take you seriouse wearing that hehe when did baz get that monty? thats amazin
  19. aww no up north rides? was hoping there be one closer to yorkshire! make the call guys, haha
  20. rubber ones that hold air in them tend to work well
  21. sort it out thomas!! oh and buy a helmet!! i think thats a trials forumy thing to say int it? haha
  22. try the hammertime shuffle and the catterpillar are good ones to learn
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