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Yorkshire Dale

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Dale

  1. an excel sheet? thats taking weight too far? jus ride it cos its mint
  2. yea man its all up to what makes u feel better? im still using easton EA70 bars and there only 680mm and i cant get on with owt wider
  3. that was seriouse well impressed!!
  4. yea rach atherton is def girl next door and im a fan more cos she is down to earth! not sure if i would enjoy her beating me on a DH bike though!
  5. what a lad? was riding with him at tarty days and he was super good and a nice guy to go with it BEAST!
  6. mick ur an absolute star mate, i owe u a pint at radfest
  7. Venue looks amazin wish we dent have to pay through paypal though cos its took my money twice! Only want 2 tickets and its took £110 off me!! Hope mick is reliable enough te refund me quick?
  8. the bonus footage looked like ur arms wern't attached in the rite place, looked like summat out of thunderbirds
  9. Kool stops, Smooth rim, End of!!!!!!!!!
  10. stop being a weight weenie and jus go ride ur bike........
  11. get 2 10mm spacers or 4 5mm ones and play bout with it till if feels right
  12. gutted, my thoughts are with him and his family xxxxx
  13. wer was our invite men, need to ride more! not doin owt these days. need to get a good summer vid made i think :~)
  14. that was awesome, specially on 3 different bikes, WIN
  15. its probably because back when us older guys started riding mod bikes wer quite difficult to get hold of so we started riding stock cos it was convenient for us. a lot of mountian bike manufactureres made trials frames back then so we could get hold of them quite easy. now its just as easy to get both with tartys being massive so younger riders tend to go mod cos there a bit easier to learn on. hope that helps Dale
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