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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. Wow, a mod that's ALMOST ugly enough to rival the Saracen 20"er...
  2. Fair enough, I just meant we don't know which version of that frame it is (like how the production Woodstock is the Mk.8 or 9 or something ridiculous...).
  3. http://www.weather.co.uk However, from reports I've seen, it's apparently going to be sunny tomorrow, then pelt it down on Sunday. On a related note, Coed-y-Brennin is a LOT of fun. The dual course is really nice; big ol' deep berms are always wickedy cool :blink: Have a good time... Mark
  4. But the thing is is would you rather ride a frame with a not-as-good 'standard' BB section, or one with a blatantly stronger CNC'd one? Would you rather ride a bike with more stand-over height, or a really high top-tube 'cos everyone else does low-tubes? It's their own design, they've just used proven ideas to do it. I don't really see what the fuss is?
  5. Nice :( Rode the re-vamped Hereford BMX track on my T-Pro, and it was properly good fun :blink: 'specially the 4-set of manual bumps! Shit me, that was fun to ride... I couldn't hear no scream?
  6. Frame development rider in knackered test frame shocker?
  7. Er, basically, every frame "stands on the shoulders of giants", as it were. The Levelboss design suited people properly well, so the "long and low" design took off. That's just being evolved, pretty much, so obviously Kot thought that that method of tube configuration worked. It's pretty obvious when you think about it that it's going to have design cues from other frames; the CNC'd BB area makes sense, and but it's already been used I suppose. However, I'd rather had a frame that used the best bits from other frames than one that was shonky 'cos they didn't use 'em. That isn't having a go at you, by the way, it's just that the whole "long/low/silver" slaters doing their "That frame's a copy of ______" is getting a bit ridiculous, like calling the Cortina monstrosity similar to the Python because it didn't have a straight-up seat-tube :blink: Mark
  8. It's trying to get through a section collecting the minimum amount of points, so I guess from Ben's point of view if he makes a boob and falls back down/hits pedal or bash, then he's lost more points than necessary. Anyway, yeah, I agree - if you're not *really* in contention for winning or whatever, you might as well give any obstacle a go really. Fair enough, if you go for, say, a sidehop and have to abort it just before you launch for whatever reason and you dab, you might as well 'use' the dab and put the bike at the top of the obstacle, if possible... But either way, up to the rider's discretion I guess.
  9. Just for future reference, are they doing finance on trials stuff?
  10. I seem to remember a reference somewhere to Mark Anthony doing Finance, but I don't know if it was on a Woodstock or anything, sorry... Could always check out their site? Mark
  11. I guess as a mod, I should be responsible and say you shouldn't take the law into your own hands and so on. But good luck with it :S
  12. There's no need for it anyway though :) How other people choose to ride is up to them, really, and seeing as trials is a small community anyway, trying to alienate each other anyway is the worst...
  13. As a follow up to my earlier post; angle grinders rule. The BB should hopefully be fine too, the guy who cut it off was super careful and barely hit it at all. I'm guessing the twatting the crank with the hammer thing might've upset the ol' spindle a bit though...
  14. They do just look like gash Hebo gloves, so I'd imagine they'd be good, although who knows about quality though, I guess. Aust; which Pro 08 gloves d'you mean?
  15. Mark W


    I manual. Lots. Oh, and live in a hilly-ish town, so that doesn't help. The yellow B's had been going for a while, to be fair, as had the Hydras (they had about 3-4mm of pad material left, which I wore through). Also, some of those pads were on the front too; the Plazzies were.
  16. Mark W


    1 katrillion or so... So far, this year, I've gone through: 1 pair of yellow Batch B 'sinks (they were from last year, and had lasted quite a while though) 1 pair of green Batch B's 1 pair of X-Hydras 1 Plaz CRM That's since the start of the year, running a grind...
  17. I think you'll probably out-grow the feeling of a need for elbow pads, to be honest. I know I went through a stage of "How much armour to wear?" when I was learning at first, just 'cos it all seemed a bit daunting (I don't mean this in a patronizing way, by the way - sorry if it comes across as that!). But after a while, you get used to riding, and you feel more confident, so you'll probably ride with less and less of it. I've tried quite a few types of armour, and the three favourites I've got are the "Troy Lee" (<- Not actually Troy Lee, but Troy Lee put their logo on them; also named as Azonic, etc.) hard-shell knee/shin pads; Axo (<- again, not just Axo) pads; and 661 Veggie Shin Wraps, which accompanied me when I was riding in the summer. Didn't feel too hot then, although I hate the look of the new ones... Azonic pads Sort like the Axo ones 661 Shin Wraps (gash '05 model) Click the pics for their ChainReaction write-ups :S
  18. Could always try some of that tyre paint? :S
  19. Hey, Try checking out Section7; they've got some comp footage from a while back on there, and you can probably see the red markers around (if Expert's red in those comps...) in those. Slinger used to have some comp footage too... To be honest though, from my experience of the YMSA trials, the sections vary hugely. Been to two seperate comps at Bracken, and it's been totally different both times, despite using the same stuff. There's the BIU guidelines on what sections should contain somewhere (try Biketrials.com?) so you can at least get a sorta numeric idea of what to expect :S Good luck with it :) Mark
  20. Mark W


    Same again then? :S I dig the feel of my Plazzies on the front of my mod; really nice lock and modulation. Was tempted to get some for the back, but I've gone for some lovely lovely X-Hydras again, at least 'til Steve starts Heatsink retail again...
  21. I think I'd still prefer to hear Alex's thoughts about this though, just to clear it up totally :S
  22. Hmm. So how come you said in the other thread he did then? This seems a little strange, not to mention ultra sketchy. Basically, two ways of looking at this: 1. You're both not happy that the thread got closed, so you're back-tracking and saying he had nothing to do with it so we theoretically leave the thread open. 2. You're just straight-up lying, and were trying to use the reputation of another member of the forum to try and sell a product, which is properly sketchy. Which one is it? Mark. EDIT: Sorry Dan, didn't see your post when I posted this :">
  23. Well, time for this to be closed then. This is the second thread Dan's tried doing; the first being done by Brendan, which was "unapproved" (so it's still around, but only mods/admin can see it). It's against the rules, so f**k it, basically.
  24. Stripped the pedal thread totally (I really, honestly don't know why how it happened...), and the extractor threads are stripped too :P Hammering isn't working, and it's not like I need to keep the crank arm... Anyway, yeah, 110mm :)
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