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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. Ah, fair enough... I just remembered seeing someone was like member 5, _ _ _ before and commenting on it to someone... Danny and Tom do prune the members list for people who don't use their usernames and shit, so it could be from that... Or I could just be wrong ;) Anyway - Ben: I see what you mean. I thought you meant us mods at first so I didn't really reply 'cos everyone's entitled to an opinion I guess, but yeah, it gets properly annoying when a new member does a shit post (by accident or by design) and then you get a stream of members just having a go at them, each repeating the one before hand. It's just more hassle than I can really be bothered to deal with, and it's totally pointless, which is why I even put a message in Tom's sticky about it. STILL f**kers ignore it though. Might have to have a zero tolerance approach for a bit with members who keep shit-talking all the NMC people...
  2. I think I'm #91 or summat, mainly 'cos I wasn't around for a few days when it went down before so I didn't sign up early... Anyway, I'm just glad we've got the validation system to stop shit like this from going around the actual forum itself. Links have been changed now too, so don't worry...
  3. I'm possibly being retarded, but how did that end up going THAT arse over tit?! Did he properly not get the front end high enough or something?
  4. Might wanna put a 1 in front of that 5. I still love the way that the final version was just a derailleur in a box... Devolved from a proper mo'bike gearbox to just a mech in a box, the thing that people had joked about it being. Bur hur hur...
  5. Mark W

    Echo Cranks

    I had this trouble with my Musclemans. Nothing worked except (in the last case, an angle grinder) riding without a crank bolt. Didn't even round the tapers even 'cos it just plopped off instead of getting silly loose...
  6. www.customriders.com Job's a good 'un.
  7. Not enough hours in the day? :P I hadn't read any of his posts before, and I was in the middle of trying to pass some time in a D&T lesson, trying to work out why none of the last film I did with my Fujica for my art exam on Friday had come out. So I was a little preoccupied... Anyway, I don't really get what the poop you're talking about in the last bit. We got the Chit Chat, For Sale, Sites Vids 'n' Pics sections before 'cos the forum was getting huge. Think about it - there's about 5,000+ registered users of the forum, the VAST majority being in Trials Chat. This means there's a lot of shit going on in here, whereas there's a lot less in NMC. Also, again, NMC isn't supposed to be a forum - it's basically a filter so we can stop twats from getting into the main forums and causing trouble. If people do decent posts 'n' stuff they get validated quickly, so it DOESN'T MATTER that there's no "NMC Chit Chat". It's Trials Chat, Sites, Rides and Chit-Chat all rolled into one anyway, so people can talk about whatever they want. None of the mods are going to delete a thread 'cos it's in NMC and not specifically about trials - if you notice, it's just twats who are trying to f**k new members around who get uppity about that sorta stuff. Anyway, like I said, it's a stop-gap, so there's no sense in messing about giving more forums. Equally, it could be argued it gives people more incentive to actually post decently so they get to use For Sale, the real Chit Chat, PM's and so on?
  8. There'd be no point though? Seriously, if people put effort in they get validated quickly. If they don't, they won't. We're not really in the business or rewarding people for doing shite stuff, 'cos they're not really contributing to the forum, so if they're here or they're not - it's irrelevant to the forum, isn't it? If people do decent posts it's fine, and they'll be allowed to use THIS Chit-Chat. Also, with regards the "Worst pre-members getting validated" thing - it's not always our fault (Y) I can't remember who it was, but Ad put a post on here somewhere else - he validated someone who's 4 or 5 NMC posts were all decently written, well thought out - i.e. they'd put in some effort. As SOON as he was allowed to post in the main forum, they went properly shit. No decent spelling/grammar, badly worded posts; he was basically not bothering to put effort in 'cos he knew he was validated. I *think* he was put back in NMC and that's about as far I know it went. Fifty_Pence got validated 'cos his posts weren't too bad, but again, he got into the forum and spammed like a trooper - so he too was moved back. We have to validate people based on a few posts we've seen, and we can't do anything other than send people back to NMC if they don't keep on posting worthwhile stuff, so if someone seems to be shit then it's probably 'cos they're being a f**ktard. In the same way that it's not Ad's fault that that guy he validated become a tool as soon as he was validated, it's not any of the mod's/admin's fault if new members who are validated just don't bother putting effort in afterwards. Anyway, yeah, Synergy did get raped in that thread to be fair. No doubt you'll probably get all uppity with me again Corish and call me gay and all that crap, but you did get a little loose when you were talking to him pretty needlessly. Like the stickied topic in NMC says - let mods deal with shit instead of wading in and fagging about... Mark
  9. Mark W

    !street Video!

    Was a cool video (Y) Was nice to see a different sort of style/video compared to the usual stuff out there now :P So yeah, is Shrewsbury good to ride? Much decent stuff there? And no, for the ignoramuses out there, I don't mean Mr. John :P Mark
  10. No-one apart from Mod's and Admin can see it.
  11. Do you know what Davetrial's warn level? I'll let you know - it's 80%. Just because it's not public, action is taken.
  12. Yeah, but to me - someone who's running them :blink: - they really don't. You notice the larger crank rotation at first, but you get used to it pretty quickly.
  13. Well, people did with the 25" Urbans either by bodging up mount adaptors or using the Monty ones.
  14. Yeah, just use a small allen key or a screw-driver, give 'em a tap with a hammer in the correct direction, and you're laughing.
  15. Ah, I see... Sorry, just seems like those sort of "Eye for an eye" sentiments are echoed by a shitload of people on here, so I just thought you did mean it seriously...
  16. "Sweet revenge" + it obviously being you = you getting nailed again. Yeah, well worth it... You do realise that by doing shit like that you're fully being a townie twat?
  17. Undo the lockring. Clean the threads. Apply a small amount of Locktite Threadlock. Do up the lockring. Wait. Sorted :blink: Alternatively, just do it up tight as it is, clean the threads still showing, and then put some blobs of paint on the threads on the outside threads (if you get me).
  18. Mark W

    Trials Shack

    You need to e-mail "Simon" on here and get an FTP account.
  19. Which T-Rex is this? The Coust copy? How d'you mean end of it's days? Anyway, as far as I'm aware, all the Monty frames are available frame only, from www.cleanbikes.co.uk? Could always drop 'em a line and see what they say - they're suuuuuuuper friendly and should be able to help you out :blink: Mark
  20. Auto-Mod For Sale/Wanted topics are no longer allowed in New Members Chat. If you wish to post a For Sale/Wanted topic on Trials-Forum you need to read and follow this - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ounce&f=13&id=3 Topic Closed.
  21. Sure are. That lump on the top of your head's pretty classy...
  22. Welsh 2-day Rally came through town. "Classics" class had enough rally-spec'd Mini's to make you lot all buy out Kleenex in about a week.
  23. Mark W

    !street Video!

    Getting it now, but 2 questions - how long is it? Secondly, does Shrewsbury have much stuff to ride in it? I could get by train there pretty quickly, but I don't want to have a wasted trip (Y)
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