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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. They've largely been OK with me. They were a bit sketch with my Mum. She gets 500 free texts a month, and she used 243 last month and got charged for the last texts (can't remember how many) on it. She called them, but no reply, so she e-mailled. Along the lines of "Hi, Got charged for the last _ _ texts on my phone. I have 500 free texts, and I haven't gone over that amount, so why was I charged?" o2 replied: "It seems there's been an error and you have been charged for the last _ _ texts from your phone. These should be covered by your 500 free texts per month." Top quality :angry: My T630's just decided to rape itself screen-wise, so hopefully they'll let me have a new one (N)" Mark
  2. Same result from dousing the rims in Muck-Off/Hope Sh1t Shifter, then scrubbing it dry with the brakes. Honky honk honk. Cleans 'em up pretty good :angry:
  3. I can't imagine how you'd begin to wrap one of 'em. (N)
  4. If you're going to believe that bollocks though, technically Mary had the child because of God getting her pregnant, so his Dad is literally older than time... Aaaaaaaaaanyway, I can't really see it being the parent's fault, really. They can't watch their kids all the time, and basically, even thicker-than-shit chavs know "cock in me = pregnancy" (simplified so I don't scar the minds of anyone (N)), so they would've known the risks. They didn't have to have the baby even after they knew they were pregnant, so it's 100%, entirely their own fault. It wouldn't surprise me if those orange boiler suits became cool. Low trousers became cool because it was a throw-back to when people came out of prison. They weren't allowed belts in case they hung themselves, so they had to wear their trousers low, so when they came out they wore them low to show they'd gone to prison, because of course going to prison's super cool :angry:
  5. Haha, wouldn't worry about it Smithy :angry: Hopefully my new Team booster'll stop me kicking my cross-over too much, so it'll last long enough *touch wood*...
  6. Woo! Got the whole thing! The last two minutes are pretty boss, to be fair (N) Some properly good riding, and really nice editing too. Good work, Mr. Saunders :angry:
  7. Yeah, no joke. I think there must be something in the Porthcawl water, 'cos he was sound as a pound too! Again, when Mark had to head off home and I was in Porth on my own, he invited me round to his place, apparently let me beat him at Downhill Domination (I owned, realistically :angry:), and also gave me one of his last 2 Bombay BadBoy Pot Noodles (N) Off topic again, that "Marklar" episode of South Park dominated... Mark
  8. Mark W

    New Ride...

    Auto-Mod Please use the bike pic thread, all the info you need is in the first post.
  9. Haha, beat you Kyle, I managed to get a whopping 8Mb. From the ride or two I had with Gav and the Porthcawl lot a few weeks back, the quality of riding that people are describing really doesn't surprise me. Me and Carl Pinkham had been out riding, and Gav turned up after finishing work, and we just went out for a late night ride in Porthcawl. Gav was just doing some mental stuff (one hop-up a bin from a super-tech, really f**king awkward run-up, to properly huge gap to a bench...) just straight off, first time. He's just a machine. Seeing him trying this one line (which you can almost see in the "Ashtonhawyes.avi" Halfords vid) which was pretty tech was pretty impressive too. The first part was a pretty big sidehop to two wheels, then riding along, doing a gap onto a thinner, lower wall, then turning round and doing it up (it's the one Ashton does that 360 tap down in the vid). But yeah, he was having some trouble doing it 'cos it was dark and windy, but he just kept doing this huge sidehop like he was just hopping up a curb. Boy's got skills :angry: Plus he's a top guy too, gave me a lift back to Sparky's house after Sparky decided that enduring food poisoning at home was better than out at Porthcawl, and thus leaving me in Porthcawl sans transport. From the 1:40 I can see, it looks pretty awesome (N) Mark
  10. You'd had to have been pretty naive to think that anyone would've sold something without wanting to make money - it wasn't like it was a secret he would've been making money (Y)
  11. It is indeed a foxy T-Pro. How did you get that all polished? Well, how did you get rid of that anodised crap more to the point (Y)
  12. If by "Magura developed the royal blood" you mean "Magura developed the sticker to put on the generic fluid bottle", then yes, they probably had a reason. That reason was probably money. Water isn't good for DH'ers and XC riders, who Magura also cater for. This is because - as previously mentioned - their brakes heat up more than ours do. Heat + water = no good. Also, people in colder countries will buy Maguras. If they came with water in them, then it'd mean that they'd freeze. This wouldn't be a great selling point. Water feels nicer. I use it. I haven't had problems. Simple as that really. Also, water isn't so burly that it'd tear through Magura hosings better than Magura blood or anything like that, so it's not down to that... Mark
  13. Yeah, the Monty X-Lites have 10mm dropouts. They are only spaced 106mm wide though ('cos Monty are stupid), and the hub will be 110mm wide, so you'll have to splay the drop-outs a little to make it fit, but it'll be OK (Y)
  14. If you don't run a booster, or you run a shit booster, and have a cross-over that's a little too short, when you brake and the stays flex out, you're effectively stretching the cross-over, thus shortening it's life span. Just something to bear in mind in case that's what's causing it (Y)
  15. That's such a load of bollocks. You live up fairly close to Yorkshire, yeah? What's all around you? NATURAL. That's right, loads of rocks and shit like that littered about, meaning you have loads of options and opportunity to go ride natural, practise for comps and so on. Not everyone is in the same position. A lot of people only have street to ride on, so they enjoy that more because that's what they have to ride and that's what evolves their style of riding. More to the point though, who the hell are you to tell people what's "right" to ride? Your opinion means nothing! Fair enough, you might prefer doing it, but to have a go at people for doing a different version of trials is totally pointless/unwarranted. I want to ride the Nationals, but they're all damn far away so I've got little to no chance of getting to them. I don't really give a shit if you and Barry want to have a go at me for not being "commited" enough or whatever, but I really couldn't give a shit about that. I ride trials, I have fun. My version of trials is a little different to yours, but that's life. Get over it.
  16. Yeah, that's how much Kings cost from most UK-based shops, so it *should* be cheaper from Aspire...
  17. The King BMX hubs cost £425 if you buy them from here, so with all the import and everything added it'll come to just under or roughly the same as that. Might be a bit under, but I'm not 100%. Do you have a 32H rim? Or are you getting one? If so, you can get the 32H hub I guess (Y)
  18. The rubber in the tyre is compressed, and it rebounds firing you up the wall, from what I can tell. It does help a lot though, which is why it's annoying I haven't learnt to do it consistently yet (Y)
  19. http://www.supercycles.co.uk http://www.tartybikes.co.uk http://www.bikedock.co.uk http://www.trialsshop.co.uk etc.
  20. I blame the individual girls for letting people stick it in 'em.
  21. It's not necessarily the headset moving. If you're using a V-brake or Maguras a lot of the movement will just be from the pads. I thought my headset was loose, but it was just the pads moving in the pistons of my Maguras. If it's not that, it could be: - That you need to use a stem stacker because your top-cap is pulling down onto the top of the steerer tube, so it feels tight whereas it's not actually pulling on the star-nut and preloading the bearings. - That your bearings are f**ked, so you're tightening them up but they're still rocking around. The interior cage of my sealed bearings tore through the seal and out into the open air, to give you an idea of the shit that can go down. - You've flared your headtube, so the cups aren't sitting in a plush tube, and have a small amount of play available to them (unlikely though, to be fair).
  22. Quoted just to back up the earlier quote that SM's are supposed to be setting an example :) Courtesy of Moderator Dave in the "I just got in and I'm far too drunk" thread, which is currently ridiculously long... 'kin hell! Just checked, and the "Drunk" thread is 37 pages long. This is worrying. Anyway, SM's - basically, in SM Chat, there are quite a few threads, but the most active ones are typically the "Forum Design Suggestions" page, where - for example - Danny/Alexx/Tom will preview a new skin and have some beta testers for it, there's just another general thread for pointing out things that have gone tits up on the forum (things that need to be closed, etc.), validation nomination thread, the "Let's All Laugh At Georgie" thread, and various threads helping people out who've forgotten that Girls = Evil :) So yeah, people do do good stuff, to be fair.
  23. Have you stripped your's and cleaned out the excess grease that oozes out from the bearings onto the pawls when they bed in? I found my skipped a coupla times from that. It last skipped about 4 hours ago, when I was doing a drop, but I only noticed 'cos of the sound 'cos of the next engagement coming in so quickly. That was the first time it'd skipped in about a month at least. Sikamon's Profile skipped about the same amount as mine... Anyway, yeah, front freewheel's fine. The only downside is the trouser tearing issue, but there are ways to prevent that (and fixed front drive does it too anyway, just not with the "tearing it round" malice of a freewheel). Anyway, I don't think I'd like to run anything other than an Eno (same as Hermance et al in that sense, they've all upgraded from ACS Claws). Mark
  24. Valid point. What's the point in spraying your frame 'til it's got decent parts and stuff on it? Unless you can get it done for free, there's not much point so you've got more disposable cash to spend on stuff like new cranks, bar and stem, front brake, and so on...
  25. Auto-Mod For Sale/Wanted topics are no longer allowed in New Members Chat. If you wish to post a For Sale/Wanted topic on Trials-Forum you need to read and follow this - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ounce&f=13&id=3 Topic Closed. EDITED: Seriously dude, this is your 5th For Sale thread in NMC. You aren't going to get validated if you do any more, it's as simple as that. Just read the guidelines ffs...
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