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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. Reputation? It works out better if they just hold fire a bit, develop the frame, then release it so they have a nicely thought out frame that is largely their own. It just makes more sense doing that, really. All of Onza's "copied" designs (e.g. T-Pro) have been thought out and aren't just straight copies from a catalogue. Again, using the T-Pro as an example - chainstay guards, integrated headset, etc. Speaking of length anyway, the T-Pro with T-Pro forks on is 1025-1030mm anyway, so that's not "short". Releasing different length versions of the same frame would drive costs up, and would therefore mean the frame would cost more. Seeing as Onza typically appeal to the budget end of the market, cost reduction is important, so doing two different frames would be counter-productive, basically. Personally, I *love* shorter bikes. They just feel a lot nicer for me, so I don't really mind having a 1000mm wb (I *do* mind the shortness of my T-Lite, but there we go :() or anything like that. I just feel they ride better. JT!, they aren't just going to be riding them because they're lighter. Between the 1040mm CLS Python and the Yao Zhi 1000mm Python, there's less than 200g weight difference (ifI remember correctly). That's about the same as having a shit/piss before you ride, isn't it... The mods they showed before were purely experimental, e.g. the full CNC'd one (which has apparently been sold, bizarrely...). This one doesn't really look like it's from the same school of thought, really. It's just the Python frame with modded geometry, so I'd say it was more likely to be produced than any of those were, but who knows... It seems Onza do "have the guts" to try and release the Ben Slinger mod, seeing as they're still developing it and trying to find ways to make the "low slung stays" idea work (replaceable chainstay protectors and so on), judging from what Mike said in that other thread. Prototyping isn't cheap, so they'll want to recoup their losses. The best way to do that is to make a frame that works, then sell it.
  2. Raised my bar height an inch and shortened the wheelbase by around 20mm. More than psychological :D
  3. Pedals don't change the ride, feel, and the geometry of your bike. Not a fair comparison. Before, with T-Pro forks, I couldn't backwheel around 40" or so without major effort. I can now do 48" fairly comfortably with the FallGuys. I used to do 48" with V8's. I can now do 48" with X-Pedals. See what I mean?
  4. There's a line they are drawing for a cut-off point as to how much in debt you should be, apparently. I think the main problem is that the West has basically put them in this position (stuff like how Nestle went over there, said to the new mums "Here's some milk formula you can use as well as breast milk". They give it to their kids, and it turns out the formula means they can't go back to breast milk, so the kids have to have this Nestle formula, hence Nestle being boycotted by lots of people - not me though, 'cos Fruit Pastilles are f**king tasty), and so it's kinda our fault for it happening. The debt isn't lifted by the countries being given £35million or whatever - the coalition of Western countries assume the debt, so they pay off the person who should have the money - largely us, to be fair. £4 of every £10 of aid is spent on consultants who work out who should have what money, which is ironic. Anyway, the whole deal is that this time the debt is absolved if they root out corruption. Not gonna happen, really...
  5. Proper bad vibes on here when Jacko gets back on T-F and reads that other thread.
  6. Mark W


    Nah, Smo's OK. BOOM BOOM
  7. Dan offering people discount to make threads about Viz parts so he could advertise them on the forum contrary to the board guidelines slipped you by then? If you don't think that's a big deal, PM me and I'll explain why it's shit in general. Can't really be arsed typing it all out again. Basically, long story short: Banners = bought by companies. Trials-Forum = needs money to run. Money from companies = Trials-Forum runs. People start abusing the guidelines = people don't bother buying banners 'cos there's no point. No money = no T-F.
  8. I'd really, really go for Siders' £35 FallGuys. I've been running mine for almost a year and a half now, and I really love them. Put these on after running T-Pro forks, and the positive change in my riding is just... awesome. It made riding my bike feel like something fun as opposed to a chore. They're just properly good. Yes, they're heavy, but when you ride they "ride light" as it were. The length and angle of them just mean they feel great to ride, even if when you pick your bike up they do feel a bit heavy. Buy 'em off him, if they feel shit sell 'em on, but if they feel good you'll be reet happy!
  9. Pun intended? Anyway, Michael, you do realise that the Africans possess a wealth of knowledge we would be able to utilise to help us? So eradicating them would totally negate that? I'm guessing you wouldn't care 'cos they're all black or something, but there we go... If they want to sell them, it's their choice I guess. If someone really wants to go more than they do, then so be it if they want to pay oodles of cash to go.
  10. In fairness, I'm not built like a f**king house.
  11. Chris > God. Anyway, the Revell sounds like it'd probably do you OK, really. If you're in a rush to find out about it, hoping Chris'll come on the forum is gonna be a bit more sketchy than, say, phoning them or e-mailing them?
  12. Mark W


    Late night/evening, people aren't riding and are bored. That's the way it goes, I suppose. Emo is a minority sorta genre of music, there's not many people properly into it. Plus, I think the majority of "emo" people that are being made fun of are the sorta tools who just put dots in their MSN usernames and quote emo lyrics, as opposed to 'real' emo fans.
  13. Mark W

    New Vid...

    Yeah, was an OK video really. I don't think the music was a super good choice though, it just didn't really add anything to the vid, if you get me. Cheers for putting the effort in though :mellow: Nice to see someone else using MovieMaker too :- Mark
  14. Mark W


    Not really, it's just that some people don't like certain types of music and the trends that are held within those genres. So if people don't like something, they'll tend to mock it. C'est la vie.
  15. Giro Xen. Freaking awesome. On offer at CRC too. BUT - make sure you get one that fits!
  16. Mark doesn't approve of subliminal mind-f**king :turned:
  17. Yeah, I know what you mean. I sometimes do, but it can be pretty unpredictable as to how the backwheel will 'pop' off the edge of what you're going off. I usually just do what someone said earlier and cock the pedals back pretty far to mean I can get lower, plus it looks styleeeeeeeee like kyyllieeeeeeeeeeee.
  18. Not necessarily. It could just be they're trying it to see how it worked, maybe? Either way, using the "_______ uses them, they must be good" idea kinda fails when you look at the huge, overwhelming majority using Magura HS33's on the back :turned: I'm still not convinced by discs on the rear. I've heard a lot of bad stuff about them not really working as I'd want a brake to (with regards bite, etc.), plus the strain on the hub and frame would kinda put me off. Do Monty's have some kinda moveable disc mount then? 'cos with horizontal dropouts, if they don't, isn't it going to be shit?
  19. I think it'd be better to sort out the rule change for definite in the UK first. If the whole country's rules ahve ACTUALLY been changed, as opposed to just a few riders at a comp saying they think it should be, that'd be more grounds for a rule change at a global level. Has anyone asked the people on OTN about this sorta stuff? Or do they not follow the BIU/UCI rules (thought they had different rules, with negatives lines and so on?)?
  20. I thought you hadn't been able to ride up until a few weeks ago 'cos the cast that had been on your leg for 2 months still wasn't off? If you are back riding though, cool :turned: Been waiting long enough.
  21. There are certain riders in the comp scene who I can well imagine would complain if they lost and the winner had 1 gear... Fair points otherwise though. What's the sorta process Biketrial UK would go through if they got a letter about it though? Would it go to some kinda jury or something to see if it was valid or not?
  22. Zoo/Echo = same difference. Dan Ko apparently has them.
  23. Mark W


    Can get singles from CRC, if that's any good to you? Is it just the levers that are dying or what?
  24. Nice sequence :lol: Shame about the gash bike though :(
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