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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. But wait a sec... if a pretzel can get through and try to kill the president, what's stopping - say - a person? Anyway, how come none of his bodyguards tried doing anything to help him? I can't imagine he'd actually be left alone for any length of time, just like any other two-year-old*. *Mental age.
  2. My Orchid Teems are still rocking my world. Comfy as hell, retardedly grippy, they're just awesome (Y) Look pretty swish too, and can be worn anywhere. Nadine, do you tighten the laces on your skate shoes or do you lace them loose? I tighten mine up pretty tight, and I've not had an ankle rolling problem at all. However, when I don't have 'em laced tight they do seem to like to try and rape my ankles...
  3. Mark W

    My New Pedals

    Same with any pinned pedal though? :) Either way, like I said, I run it one side as the 'bashed' side (just on the bottom side) and one side as my grippier side. Works for me, pretty much. Can even do that shit they recommend where you take the pins out of one side, and melt wax into the holes. Then, when you knacker the other side with pins in, melt the wax out and put the pins in. Or you could just ride I guess (Y)
  4. Mark W

    Bmx Questions

    Mine were fine? Running a Euro BB with some Wondercups if that makes any difference? (Y) It's simple to do, and they're pretty straight-forward to take off? Just get the 8mm allen key, put it in the middle of the spindle, knock the top, it pushes the spindle through and the crank on the side you're hitting from plops off. Works for me :)\
  5. I think the Police didn't actually say there were that many, they just said there were at least 3 confirmed explosions underground, so they were technically right I guess (Y)\ Plus, having heard some of the eye-witness reports, people were shit confused so I guess it must've been hard actually getting what had happened out of people, so they wouldn't have been 100% themselves. Then, in that emergency services press conference in the afternoon they were getting asked loads of questions that they wouldn't really have known the answers to, such as: Which they simply didn't have the answer to. During that conference, they were only talking about the response time. The guy rep'ing the police force wasn't part of the counter terror/bomb unit, and wouldn't have been briefed on that sort of stuff simply because that wasn't what was at hand. Also, they just wouldn't have known who'd done it by then, hence them saying "We have no proof of that", which they basically didn't. Pretty much :P EDIT: New official figures are that there are 50 people dead with more still being found, and that there have been 700 people injured altogether :)\ Pretty crazy. Still pales in comparison with the Madrid train bombings, but it's still shit. Seems strange that 700 people and their families had to suffer purely to try and fuel the cause of some random group of sympathisers of Al-Qaeda. Ah well, terrorist's minds work in funny ways I suppose.
  6. Mark W


    Primark Denim Co. Bootcut Jeans. £8 (or were when I was there last). Sorted (Y) Choice of denim colour too.
  7. Mark W

    My New Pedals

    Welcome to the last year of my life :) My bike's got a half-decent spec now 'cos I just don't have any outgoings, 'cept for bass lessons, sweets 'n' shit, train tickets, and strings for my bass. All doesn't really take up much of the £4.5K a year I get from my part-time work...
  8. Mark W

    My New Pedals

    I got mine 'cos I needed new pedals, and got random £50 bonus from work. *shrugs*
  9. Mark W

    New Chain?

    Yeah, they are seriously old. Mathuds0 on here is running a half-link that he blagged from our bike shop's old school roadie that's so old it actually pre-dates the wheel.
  10. Mark W

    My New Pedals

    Sealed bearing, pretty damn strong judging from my pair (and Ali C's, although he did break one after a big gap -> pedal incident :lol:), super light without having to use lower durability body materials (as in mag-bodied pedals tend to piss pins), and so on...
  11. But there's a chance they simply don't know about all of it. I remember a BBC correspondent talking to someone from Africa, who said their tribe thought the way to cure AIDs was to have sex with a virgin. Just goes to show the fact that the main killer is actually misinformation, or simply a lack of information/knowledge at all. I suppose it's all part of being a developing country, in that we used to have strange ideas like that too, when the UK was developing. It's just that then, we were the flagship country so no-one could point us in the right direction. However, we can do that with them, so it's a different story.
  12. Mark W

    My New Pedals

    Just in case you didn't see my Mystery Edit, seeing as your post came up as I edited mine...: EDIT #2: Try and blag some DMR Terror-pins. Put them in the middle holes (by the pedal spindle), and they stick up a teensy bit more than the standard X-Pedal ones. I don't know about you, but mine stuck up barely 1mm or so above the pedal body, meaning they were, in effect, not so good. I basically have the Terrors on one side of mine, and the standards on my "Bashing" side of my pedal. You do actually learn which side to use, and I can feel which side I'm on just through my feet now... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've got a pair of weird slits in my Tensiles where I think I might've clamped 'em funny in a vice. Hopefully not cracks. However, for cracks to get worse you have to put stress on them by actually riding your bike, so it looks like I'm covered there :)"
  13. Mark W

    My New Pedals

    If you're not a dick (not saying you are, but people seem to go a bit gung-ho at warranty attempts :lol:), they might be OK. They do look in good con., so they might be cool with it... Bit sketch seeing as I've got the X-Pedal/Tensile combo too... Just out of curiosity, were you at the DJ ride? EDIT: If it's over a year, they've got a 2-year crash replacement warranty, so try blagging a new single arm? Or go for a fresh pair. Half price = £50-ish, which ain't bad :) EDIT #2: Try and blag some DMR Terror-pins. Put them in the middle holes (by the pedal spindle), and they stick up a teensy bit more than the standard X-Pedal ones. I don't know about you, but mine stuck up barely 1mm or so above the pedal body, meaning they were, in effect, not so good. I basically have the Terrors on one side of mine, and the standards on my "Bashing" side of my pedal. You do actually learn which side to use, and I can feel which side I'm on just through my feet now...
  14. Terrorist threat/security level is at it's second highest possible level (sorry, it WAS at the start of the day/week) in London. They donated 1, 600 officers from London to the G8 summit. There were still over 30,000 in London. They didn't even need to call off-duty people in because they had enough to cover the initial incidents. They're drafting more in tomorrow, mainly to make sure everything runs smoothly. Either way, their aim was achieved: They managed to get some good press coverage. The red double-decker bus, seen by many as the "icon of London", torn up by their bomb. The attention focussed on the incidents as opposed to the G8 summit/Live8 aftermath. There's going to probably be a bit more bias towards talking about terrorism as opposed to Africa and all that shiz, which is up for discussion tomorrow. Seems funny how they're trying to stop talks that are aiming to help people out all over the world. Ah well... Funny thing is is that they did it today, when the main topic was Climate Change. The solution they'd drawn up for this was already sorted, they were - as they put it - "Just making sure it was worded correctly". Sorry for all this spouting, I was stuck at home waiting for a delivery van that never came, so I watched 6 hours of News24/ITV News. Damn terrestrial... EDIT: Monkey - my 'rash' still hasn't cleared up, so it'd probably be shit anyway.
  15. You've got 'The AIDs', so that IS a problem :)
  16. It all depends on who's at it like rabbits.
  17. Mark W

    New Chain?

    Half-links generally aren't shit hot, but some do seem to work. E-mail www.customriders.com and ask for one, they should sort you out with one pretty cheap :)
  18. Yeah, I hear too the best way to help sort out a problem is make fun of people who don't understand why it's happening. Ever looked at chav scum here? Notice that if they have a pair of tits they'll typically also have babies? All this in a 'developed' country. Maybe you should start hating everyone in the UK too because there's some people who're just at it like rabbits? Oh wait, my mistake, they're not black so don't worry about it...
  19. Mark W

    New Chain?

    Maybe buy an Interlock chain, and take a link out and use it with your Kool? :lol: That way, you've got a whole chain's worth of half-link spares for when they stretch/die ^_^
  20. From what I've heard from like 90% of people doing the similar course it's just not worth doing. You could learn the same practical wise just from having bass tuition, and the only other aspect of it is business studies, which you can just revise up rules for contracts on your own, pretty much. There is a school of thought that says you'll get more possibility for networking and making contacts, but if you're not tied up with uni you can be out playing more. It's all "Right place - right time", so if you're in more places, you've got a greater chance of it being the right time too. Plus there's just no guarantee of ANY job/career type things from that degree. I know that's technically the same for most degrees, but it's useless outside of actual music stuff, where it's fairly redundant anyway. Was tempted by Industrial Product Design, but not really sure I'd want to deal with the way you have to learn/do things, or the other people doing it. Seems to be a sorta type of person who does it, which is kinda unlike me, so I just don't think I'd enjoy doing it at all. Could go into clearing I guess, but I don't really see that deciding what course to do a few days before actually submitting the application is a good idea. Uni's a huge investment of time and money, so I'd rather not get into thousands of £££'s of debt and waste 3 years of my life on a whim. Pretty much :) But basically, I love my job at our bike shop. I wouldn't have any problem doing it 5 days a week. Hence, I'm trying to find a place to do it... I know it's all "Not ambitious" and shit, but it's a start. Look at Tartybikes: Ad and Dave have got a pretty kickin' business set-up from virtually nothing except a foot in the door of the industry through their links with Supercycles. I'm guessing if I have a similar thing of just working in something related to the industry, my plans for other types of shop/services might be facilated in future. EDIT: Basically Tomm, I realised I didn't *necessarily* want a job in the music industry anyway. It's a shitty environment, and being a session artist is a f**king tough lifestyle (not least it's almost impossible to get into)...
  21. I wanted to do a music degree, basically a Ba(Hons) in Contemporary Music (or Jazz or whichever name the uni gave it) specialising in bass, with a view to getting into session work. 1st Choice: Leeds College of Music: Flat denied there 'cos I don't have the certificates to say I can play grade 8 standard. I can, but you have to have the bits of paper (Y) 2nd Choice: Colchester Institute: Isn't it great when you get told after you've applied you have to be able to play the piano too :) 3rd Choice: BassTech: £7K a year fees. 'nuff said. 4th Choice: Glamorgan Uni: Conditional offer (basically, if I did A-levels I got in ^_^). Shitty facilities, shitty place... So yeah, that's me done :lol: Maybe next year, assuming I'm not so jaded about the whole uni thing...
  22. /\ Onzaboymark's Uni Hopes
  23. Mark W

    New Chain?

    And almost a year on :)" Cunningly sorted all the 'problems' except for the 'problem' of it stretching :lol:\
  24. Trials in London WILL suffer. If you think about it, security's going to be uber tight, so there'll be more police out on patrol/looking at CCTV (which there'll probably be more of), and they'll be wanting to clamp down on stuff potentially tarnishing the image of London. This'll basically be scruffy looking people hammering bashguards into walls :) But yeah, there'll just be more police around = more chance of getting done. Saying that, how many people here are still going to be riding in 7 years time...
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