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Everything posted by Hurman
Yeah, sorry about that but his outfit slowly fell off as he went round the sections and the picture was taken at the end of the day. I am sure someone will have a good picture of him at the start but in the meantime here he is walking away with his 56 pounds prize for best fancy dress
John It was worht 15 quid just to see you hurtling down hill with your blonde wig flapping behind you and your tinsel skirt getting dangerously close to your rear mech you looked like Emu on a hen night For all of those who didn't see John, see the piccy Wayne I have no idea where the water bottle came from, all I can say is that I will be checking my door handles for cow poo in the future!
A truly memorable weekend with a superb atmosphere. I feel we are so lucky to have such a well organised and dedicated club on our doorstep. I also think this weekend just showed what being part of a club is all about, not only were both days of trials fantastic but the social side of things was as good as it gets. The team trial is a super way of getting everyone together and to chat with people you may never see because they are not in your class and start at a different section to you on each trial. It also allowed the younger lads in the begineers and novice classes to ride with experts and elite which can only be a good thing. It also allowed a few spirits to be re kindled and allowed us young mums and dads to have a go and see if it really is as easy as you guys make it look It isn't! A big thanks to the Pied Piper, Mr Wayne Mahommet for giving so much time to the young lads. Even when he was in the middle of a section and a small voice shouted out 'Waynio' he still had time to reply politely. He also kept the kids and young lads entertained after the team trial when we all went for a practice session, although I must sayI was impressed by the respect he was given by the the lads who let him get on with what he was doing and didn't pester him. After he had left the move he was trying they all jumped up there with their bikes and tried to do the same, with varying degrees of success but definately with the belief they could do it. The food and facilites were excellent and turned a farmers field into a huge open air resteraunt and managed to feed many hungry mouths. We also had the best constructed fire I have ever seen which allowed the wood collected by the kids (big and small) to last much longer, we had the best of everything A superb weekend and all involved, organisers and riders, should be proud of themselves. Hurman
Anzo Thanks for the info, it will come in most useful not only for me but for other forum users. It also gives me an idea of what I should be doing when I get hold of one. Cheers
Anzo I am in the market for a moto trials bike at the moment and your advice here will come in most useful. I was looking at a 1998 Gas Gas for £500. I know you don't get much for that and it will need work but I now know the questions to ask!
At what age do you think a child picks up bad language? I was clearing my garage out one day with my son, who was 2 ½ at the time, when I kicked over a tin of oil. Of course I expressed my frustration using the f word and in earshot of my son. A week later my son couldn’t do a puzzle and pushed it away followed by a very loud f**k. I was devastated. I couldn’t believe what he had just said, he had only just mastered daddy!!! It only needs for them to hear something once then it is locked in forever. They hear and see far more than you think (must be the female gene) :$ and remember all the words you don’t want them to. I accept that when he is older he will use the same foul language to express himself as I do but I would rather he learnt it from people other than those he looks upto and who are his heroes. The excuse that swearing is common amongst other sports, the sport is competitive or that it is socially acceptable nowadays does not mean that it has to be tolerated. Respect for yourself and others around you should be enough to allow you to swear under your breath.. I used to work with a bloke who swore for England and couldn’t make up a sentence without F’ing this or F’ing that but as soon as a female walked into the room he stopped. He respected the fact that they didn’t want to hear that kind of language and kept it clean and he himself was respected for that by his work colleagues. Yes I swear and if you think messing up a section is frustrating, try encouraging a 5 year old to ride a section without putting both his feet down all the time! It drives you past swearing I’m looking forward to the Brimham rocks weekend and hearing the grind of pedals on rock and the exclamations of success, not a Gordon Ramsey hopeful at the top of his voice. Keep it smooth and keep it clean…………
Like every sport trials has it's high's and lows. Football fans voted the 2006 FA cup the best ever and it has been a long time coming so even football has it's dips. Trials is a sport anyone can do and when I first got into it 10 years ago I had a mountain bike which I dragged out of the local tip and put a small front chain ring on it. I was never going to win the world championship but I had a lot of fun practising and then riding in comps. The biggest change to BMX and skateboarding has been the media coverage it has received and the progress of video capture and editing. Not only can trials be promoted by the public watching someone ride over bits of their beloved shopping centre but the kids who do trials can show their mates their amazing feats either on their phones or over the internet. A few of the posts on this topic have been regarding groups of riders which have broken up over the years but as that group fizzles out another one is growing somewhere else. Media such as this forum also motivates people to go out and meet other riders or set up their own groups in their town and with more and more people gaining internet access then more and more people will sign up and ride. The future of trials is in the hands of the people who takee part in it now. Clubs need volunteers to make the comps run smoothly and to attract events such as the world championship. Successful clubs breed successful riders and although street is good for going the highest, longest or biggest the comps are the place that original trials skills and disciplines are nurtured. I think both street and natural trials will progress and their is room for both of them. Comps will be the place both skills are combined and the clubs that lay out the sections are already introducing some street elements into the natural sections. This is an exciting time to be part of this sport and only the people who are in it at the moment can secure it's future, then it will be down to the next generation. It will be what you make it
The Wheelie King, Casualty Man and I all enjoyed the trial on Sunday and within 3 minutes of leaving the car park both the kids were asleep! It was great to see so many people out on Sunday, the venue was excellent, and made the most of by the setting out crew. The Wheelie King got himself 2nd place in the beginners and took his medal in to school to show and tell. I think sports like trials give kids so much confidence. Casualty man managed to slip and fall on a rock at the Deer Park as well grazing the side of his face and he hasn't even riden yet!! We are all looking forward to Brimham and hope the other beginners and more come along. Have you booked the sunshine yet Barbara?? Thanks to all the observers who make the day go smoothly and of course to Barbara and her team for the excellent organisation behind the whole event.
Anyone who took part in the Tyke Trial today at the Deer Park in Bingley will no doubt still be drying out - I still have the car to empty and the wet clothes to throw in the washing machine !!! Other than the weather it was a superb day and made sure everyone was tested to the max and it set me wondering - what's the worst weather you've ever ridden in and at what point do you stop caring about how wet you are ?
Those early videos are unique and there was nothing around like that at the time. Now every other person has the ability to film or at least capture video clips on their phone, in those days the mobile phone was just that and not a full video editing suite! I have an old Ot Pi video which still inspires me to go dig my old bike out and put my 'glubs' on!! Those videos remind me of the days when I had a modified steel framed mountain bike with a home made bash guard and very bent forks. But the thing was the guys in the videos had very similar bikes because there was no such thing as a dedicated 26" trials bike and even the Monty's were rare. Trials videos may have lost their edge because anyone can, and everyone does, make them and it takes a lot of sifting through the dross to see something inspiring but they are still there.
Mentally or physically? 36 physically, mentally...............
I always thought competing was the only way of getting a buzz out of sport but yesterday changed all that, I am still full of it now. Couldn't get to sleep last night. Soft dads rule!
What made Sunday special for us was how everyone was so positive and helpful. The guys placing posts on this thread were more than happy to chat with my son and to listen to what he had to say which beleive it or not is unusual. The observers were also excellent giving him the time and encouragement to continue through the sections. We completed all the sections because my son beleived he could win and I explained he had to do all the sections to stand a chance of doing that, so on he went. And yes he did want to play afterwards and did so for about 1/2 an hour until the awards were presented. (no more Haribo's Tom!!) The awards were the icing on the cake for us both, it was definately a Kodak moment when he received his 3rd place medal and it hasn't left his side since. Don't leave your kids in the car get them out, put their wellies on and point them towards the sections, you might be surprised! We arrived at 10.15 am and left at 5.30 pm, over 7 hours of fun and not once did I have to say no. Thanks to Robbie, John, Wayne and Barbara, see you on the 19th.
From the album: First Ride
Stabalisers requied for this one -
From the album: First Ride
Starting them young........ :rolleyes: -
Have spent many a good nigth riding in Ilkley but that was a few years ago now. However, I have just had a great couple of hours today at the BMX and Skate park there. Not much in the way of trials but good fun for a bit of messing around.
John, I didn't read this before I read your message. I used to ride in the Yorkshire Tyke trials manny moons ago and thoroughly enjoyed it so we will be there on the 26th with our bikes
We have had a go at some stoppies and are currently practicing track stands which is the basis of all trials riding. I can't imagine standing on the side of a cold wet and windy football pitch shouting advice but I would follow him round a cold and wet trials competition!!
It's all in the mind! If you think it's heavy you will ride like it's heavy. People spend hundreds of pounds shedding weight off their bikes then ride round with a pocket full of keys and loose change!
After seeing Marc Vinco at the Sheffield Indoor trials and realising I would never be able to ride like that I thought I would see how my son would cope with a few basic trials techniques! I sat him down infront of an old Ot Pi vid and now he can only speak in a mixture of Spanish and English and wants a pair of 'glubs' for his birthday!!! So how young do you have to be to start practicing to be the best? Or does age have anything to do with it? Is it purely talent and natural ability?