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Ben Jones

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Everything posted by Ben Jones

  1. neil that was so good it makes me wanna go ride right now...and its pissing it down. VID OF THE CENTURY. :king: (A) xxx reading sunday...unless u gone to uni already ( )
  2. Yeh this was the vid that got me into trials. Was the first vid i ever saw aswell still a sweet video!! been meaning to find it for ages. cheers, ben
  3. Ben Jones


    she'd have been dead within 4 days according to a policemen i know. sad stuff
  4. no trials. watched the whole programme aswell. don't even like downhill!
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_spor...ing/6982991.stm doesnt look like much trials though.
  6. pretty sure thats what lucozade is. and many other sports drinks. along with other stuff to help water absorbsion
  7. I no shag all about these sorta bikes. But wahoooo this looks nice. I want
  8. Im from reading edit: price?? and i got my local dealer
  9. the raids full build? r they out yet??
  10. So - whats the difference between the raid and the licence? Will they be full build or just frame and how much??
  11. That Xr looks so fun. Defo be looking to buy one, if it's as cheap as ash said it was??
  12. Maybe you need to let the chain wear into the sprocket. as with most new chains they need to be stretched.
  13. Ben Jones

    New Tattoos

    Hmm yeh, stupid question but its not semi permenent is it??
  14. Ben Jones


    Cool vid how long u been riding??
  15. You will when they break your cylinders.
  16. nah youve just gotta note it down, you never have to use it again....only someone connecting for the first time does.
  17. woop I can hear razorlight from my house. defo going next year...just gotta save up. next year for the win?? x
  18. golden ticket wouldnt work...seeing as people have already bought them - then when some1 has the ticket no1's gunna buy anymore lol. ben o and ive bought mine, but my hands are wayyyy to pussy and just blisterd up so im back to my foamies
  19. wooo whats all this Child development and system and control!?!? ha sounds well weird. taking mine this year, im finding the coursework crap...much looking forward to the exams and well done to people, got some good results some shit ones too
  20. ive got it...i'm uploading it as we speak. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/Ben2 might need to press the arrow next to name to get it to appear.
  21. 8080 - 38.60Gb....i listen to about 10 of them. my sisters are itunes whores.
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