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Ben Jones

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Everything posted by Ben Jones

  1. Ben Jones

    Good Films

    Monty Python!!!!
  2. Ben Jones

    Big Brother

    Haha and two days before she was saying 'i cant take f***ing rudeness from these people...' Then divin a burped made me laugh easily pleased
  3. Just looking for a quick evaluation quote thing really for my Saracen mad 2six 05 frame only no major scrathes...just the usual ones you'd find on a trials bike. Thanks alot, Ben
  4. Link not sure if that's what you're looking for.... Also i heard ribos are really good....go on tarty and check em out Ben
  5. What powers do Different Levels have...such as mods and seniors?
  6. My old french exchange just rang and laughed I'll be calling him tonight
  7. Classis...might just have to go in the sig if you don't mind Ben
  8. One day after school last year, 30 degrees, flat tire, high pollen. Thought i had a fly in my eye, 1 hour later still waiting for my parents to come and collect me and i went to open my eye (which i had kept close for the whole hour more or less to find this yellow sticky stuff on my eye, a few minutes later it had totally gone solid and i couldn't open my eye. It was a thick layer of yellow crusty stuff had to go to the doctors to get it all off....turns out i got a massive pieces of pollen in my eye Nasty stuff Ben
  9. I'm pretty sure that if you read the small print/conditions then it'll say 'ebay will never ask for your Pin/details'. Most company's/banks that have accounts involving money do this. Ben
  10. Was alright but i agree, you should go bigger...just gradually build up to larger things. Ben Edit - Learn to take criticism
  11. Ben Jones

    Cool Vid

    Wicked loved that alot...Variety - was a great vid Ben
  12. Link 1 Link 2 Link3 Link 4 Link 5.... I could go on but i can't be botherd... USE THE SEARCH! Ben
  13. That was quite good, although you need to get more variety in your riding IMO, but what you did do, you did well Good music Ben
  14. This Is my fav pic...love the angle... and where the sun is
  15. Very Nice Although i guess with the colour...you either love it or you hate it. Ben
  16. Your ripping him apart infront of the whole forum...he won't be able to go out because people will throw poo at him ( ) Ben
  17. Alien....well theres a shadow of an alien (i dunno) someone tell me if i'm wrong Ben
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